Chapter 11

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Jule and Jia had moved so they were sitting right beside each other as they waited for the train to begin moving. Once again there was a knock on the door and the door opened to reveal Trent Finnigan and His friend.

"Hello Lass. Nice to see you again." He smiled making Jules heart flutter.

"Hello Trent." Jule answered as she heard Jia laugh beside her.

"I'm Jia. Nice to meet you guys." Jia smiled beside her and wave to the two boys."

"Hello Jia. I'm Trent Finnigan and this is --" Trent was cut off by his friend.

"Fletcher Vic Thomas at your service!" The boy who Jule guessed to be Trents friend said giving a sarcastic bow.

Jule laughed and smiled at the two. "Jule Elouise Lestrange." Jule answered waving her hand slightly.

"Jia Yi Chang." Jule looked over at her friend and smiled

"Trent Sterling Finnigan" Trent smiled at the two girls.

"Do you mind if we join you two. You seem laid back and not freaking out over--" Fletcher cleared his throat as Trent laughed and plugged his ears while sending a wink to the two girls. "OH MY GOD I'M ACTUALLY A WITCH!" Fletcher imitated in a high pitched screaming voice that made both girls giggle and clamp their hands over their ears when he started speaking.

Jule was the first to remove her hands and smiled "Of course you two can sit,  and I got it out my system when I got my letter. My mom's and I had a movie night with my uncles." Jule laughed and watched as the two sat down and the train began moving.

"This is going to be a fun year. So what houses do you girls want in?" Fletcher asked as he sat down.

"My mom said I would be a good Ravenclaw or Gryffindor seeing as I like to read and love to sneak out the house almost every night to meet with my old friends. They were muggles so my only friend now is Jule." Jia answered with a light blush across her cheeks.

"My mum was a Gryffindor. The other was a Slytherin. Gonna be a shock either way." Jule shrugged and smiled.

"Well. Both of us are Gryffindor. Trent spoke up looking over at Jule as she looked out the window as she passed her parents and waved.

Maybe we will all stick together and get to be friends.


Hey everyone! Mystic here, so I'm going to start asking a question at the end of every chapter and it will be in bold and that question will be a hint at what happens in the next chapter so be ready!

What house do you want Jule to be in and who do you ship Her with?
Gryffindor, Jent (Jule x Trent)

Gryffindor, Jua (Jule x Jia)

Gryffindor, Jetcher (Jule x Fletcher)

Slytherin, Jent

Slytherin, Jua

Slytherin, Jetcher

Also, if anyone likes the band Black Veil Brides and has heard that one of the guitarist, Jake Pitts and his wife, Inna Pitts, started a band, I highly suggest you listen to it. The first song was launched today (Thursday, September 14, 2017), it is called The End, by Aelonia. I have fallen in love with it. It is playing on repeat on my spotify now. Anyway, enough rambling and I will see you all as soon as I get feed back from today's question to get ideas for the book.


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