Chapter 4

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Hermione and Bellatrix were curled up with each other in their bed as the sun began rising. After Bella met Jule the night before and got her tucked back in bed they went to their room and fell asleep.

Hermione was snuggled up into Bellatrix's chest with her arms wrapped around her waist. Bella had her arm draped over her hips and her face buried in her hair.

Out of no where they felt a small figure jump on them with a giggle causing them to wake up. Bella groaned and buried her face in her pillow causing Hermione to giggle.

"Mommy! Wake up! The sun is up and that means my belly is grumpy!" Jule made a pouts face and grabbed her belly making a growling sound.

Hermione laughed and picked the girl up and walked into the kitchen with her. "How about pancakes my dear?" Hermione asked with a smile

Jules green eyes shone with excitement before she clapped and giggled pushing her hair out her face with a huge smile.

Hermione smiled and began cooking the breakfast.

--Time Skip--

When the pancakes were done Hermione cut one up into small squares before pouring syrup on them and placing a few strawberries on the side.

Bella walked in making sniffing sounds.

"Something smells amazing. It's making my belly grumpy" Bella smiled and wrapped Jule in a hug.

"Here mommy!" Jule picked up a piece of the pancake with her fork and fed it to Bella.

Bella smiled and kissed Jule on the cheek before walking over and doing the same to Hermione and making her pancakes. She sat down with Hermione and Jule and smiled at her family.


What do you guys think? Feel free to leave your comments, feedback and vote. Bye bunnies, see you in the next chapter!


Key To My Life: Book 2 [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant