The bleachers

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Chad:Is everybody at home as pretty as you?

Evie:I like to think I'm the fairest of them all. How many rooms in your castle?

Chad:Oh! Too many to count. You really nailed that chemistry problem today. You're gonna have all the nerds in love with you.

Evie:I'm not that smart.

Chad:Oh, come on.

Evie:No, really, I'm not. But I'm... I'm really good at sewing and cooking and cleaning. You know, like your mother, Cinderella, without the ratty dress. See this? If I ask it where something is, it tells me.

Chad:Are you kidding me?


Chad:Where's my cell phone?

Evie:It won't work for you, silly.

Chad:No biggie. My dad will just get me a new one.

Evie:Prince charming.


Evie:And cinderella.


Evie:Fairy godmother. Hey, I heard her wand is in some boring museum. Do they always leave it there?

Chad:I'd really like to talk, but... I'm just swamped. Unless...


Chad:If you could knock all my homework out along with yours, then maybe we could get together sometime... Hang.


Chad:Thanks, babe.

Evie:Yeah. Bye.

Doug:I couldn't help but overhear...

Evie:Are you stalking me?

Doug:Technically... yes. I, too, have a fascination with fairy godmother's wand. Which is another reason I look forward to the coronation. Perhaps we could sit next to each other and discuss its attributes.

Evie:Are you saying they use it in the coronation?

Doug:Yes. And asking you out.

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