EPISODE 12: Training with the KPOP hater

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“Isn’t this a little…too much, Majesty?”

Youngjun mumbled to my ear as they all read the activities I enumerated on the white board as part of the month-long training.

I grinned.

“Is it?”

Daily Drills:

2 hour-workouts (4:30am – 6:30am)

12 hour-PRACTICE (6:30am – 10:00pm)

2 hours FREE time (divided/used all at once within the day…your choice!)


“I’d say it’s very reasonable.”, I said then I turned to the boys. “Any question?”

They were just staring blankly at the board. After a while, someone raised a hand.

“Yes, Chen?”

“Majesty noona…what do you mean by 2 hours free time?”, he asked with wrinkly lines drawing on his forehead.

“Well you are only to be given a total of 2 hours per day of free time that you can use in any way you want. Of course, that includes meal time, shower or changing, napping and all other leisure activities you might think of doing. But…everyone has to agree on when and how they want to use it…together. So tell me what’s it gonna be?”, I smirked with triumph just by looking at their faces painted with disbelief.

“Are you kidding me?!!”

I looked over and saw Sehun with his usual violent reaction. Like I care.

“No Sehun. Nobody’s really kidding around here.” I said confidently. You are partly to be blamed for this you brat.

“Majesty. Wait. Let’s…talk this over again.”, Youngjun dragged me towards a corner of the room. “I asked you to train them…not…kill them.”

Really? I must have heard wrong!

“Youngjun. I agreed to do this despite everything. If you are not going to let me do this my way, then let’s just stop right here.” I looked at him straight in the eyes without any hint of doubt.

You knew better what’s on stake here.

“Fine. But…just…don’t overdo it, okay? Please? For me?”

Youngjun does care about these boys a lot. And once again, he was doing that puppy dog eyes he usually pull off whenever he desperately needs a favor. It wasn’t adorable. Trust me. It was even a little gross. But it hurts me to try and disappoint him even more.


“Fine. I’ll be…a little less harsh. Happy?”

He smiled at me with a deep sigh of relief and we walked back towards where the boys were at.

“Majesty noona?”, I saw DO raising his hand.

“Yes, DO?”

“Can we ask what the training would be about?”

“Same drills. Dance, vocal, rap, language, media/fans interaction, and of course acting.”, I answered.

“Acting?”, Luhan reiterated like it was something bizarre.

“Yes. Acting.  Suho?”

“What will be the schedule for each line? I mean, we usually have separate practice for dance and vocal lines and also EXO-K and EXO-M also have different trai—“

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