EPISODE 13: Closing the gaps

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I looked at the pile of laundry that could probably cover the entire floor area when scattered slightly. These kids sure know how to add fuel to the fire, I thought to myself. I took a deep breath and before I knew it, I was already rushing towards the dining area, with smoke coming out of my nostrils. I was just seconds away from exploding just before I reach the door when I overheard a conversation that made me hold back and freeze on the spot.

“I agree with you…that Majesty was indeed doing very unreasonable things.”

It was Youngjun.

“I don’t agree with how she was training you guys so far. And yes, I agree that you don’t deserve it and somehow, you guys might just have wasted a week of your time following her around…I’m sorry.”

For some reason, my heart felt like it just sunk deep into the earth. I couldn’t even make my feet take a step backward. A lot of things kept running through my head bringing back very unpleasant memories like the time when I also accidentally overheard an equally heartbreaking conversation 12 years ago. I never thought that the slightest resemblances could actually bring back traumatic feelings I tried to forget for more than a decade. Did I ask for it? I couldn’t possibly torture myself more by listening further when the next words stymied me for a while…

“…but I trust Majesty.”

What did he just say? I gulped and continued to listen.

“She had gone through heartbreaking moments in her life you guys couldn’t possibly imagine. She had only told you half of the story back there. Yet despite everything, she still agreed to help out an old friend…who also reminded her of those painful memories. I was the selfish one here…not Majesty.”

All of a sudden, the piercing sensation in my chest kept getting stronger I was experiencing shortness of breath.

“I begged her…to help me out just this once. She was my only hope to make you guys into the idols I had promised you to become. I think I have no other choice but to be honest with you this time…”

What is he planning to do?

“When I told you that the company was more than satisfied with your debut performance and that this trip was an incentive for a job well done, that this is simply a preparation for an upcoming comeback…I was in fact not telling the tru—”

“YOUNGJUN! THERE YOU ARE!”, I cut him off. I wasn’t sure why either. All I know was that, what he was about to say might only make matters worse. Judging from these kids characters, I doubt that making them hear about the truth behind their debut would help them. More than anything else, they need to keep their confidence towards their manager intact, as much as possible.

“What are you doi—”, he asked looking puzzled as to why I refrained him from bursting their bubbles when I should have been the one most likely to encourage that.

“I’m…here to tell you…that…”

I should have thought this through before I even butted in.

“…that…I am ready to do the laundry! Yeah! That’s it!”

Youngjun’s eyes grew big in disbelief. I looked at the 12 members and saw just how they avoided my gaze although I could sense a faint hint of mockery. Of course I couldn’t possible anticipate to do that freaking pile of a laundry! Sehun looked as if he was just an inch away from bursting into laughters…same with Kai, Kris and a few others. So that proves it. They all had cooked this up.

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