Episode 4: Majesty VS EXO - ROUND 1

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Oh, yeah! You heard me. I told myself repeatedly as I savor every puzzled expression on their faces. And yes. It’s true. I just challenged 12 KPOP boys on a bet we all know they’re not exactly amateurs at. Who knows what might happen next.

“Yes?”, I said loud enough for them to come back to their senses.

And then…


Uproar. Laughter. It’s not exactly a surprise. I knew they won’t take what I just said seriously. Indeed. Looking at them right now laughing their guts out made me think of little babies who cackle at a childish peek-a-boo. Go on. Laugh hard…while you still can, I thought to myself.

“Majesty…wait. You’re sure about this?”, asked Youngjun anxiously. “I know you’re great…but you can’t underestimate these boys.”

“I know…that’s why I’m going to take this seriously. Relax. I got this.”, I said as I patted his shoulder reassuringly. Of course I’m aware where the humor comes from. Who would believe an island girl, isolated to the world for more than a decade to get the better of 12 young boys who had trained for who knows how long and had garnered more than enough fan base attesting to their talent and skills?

“So how are we gonna play this?”,said Tao, one of the Chinese boys who reminded me of a certain classic anime character for some bizarre reasons.

“I don’t know. Your call. You can all come at me…or you can choose your representatives. Doesn’t really matter.”, I said with my chin held up high. Oh, yeah. I’m pretty confident.

They huddled for a few seconds probably discussing how they want to get beaten up. I just smiled, and waited by the sideline.

“To give you a fair standing…Majesty…noona…we’ll just have someone from each line to represent the group. Will that be okay with you?”, said Suho as if he’s trying to suppress a haughty smile on his face.

“Sure thing.”, I said as I played around with the remote control device.

“Alright. We’ll start with the dance line…Kai!”, said Suho, calling out Kai who walked towards the center of the room looking all too confident. I remembered this kid quite well from the pre-debut footages. He seemed to be the best dancer in the group and he usually dances with that sultry expression on his face. They asked for Youngjun to play the music and he started dancing looking at me intensely probably in an attempt to intimidate me.

He’d been dancing for about 10 seconds…and I admit…he was actually really good.

But…not good enough.

They all looked at me, awestruck as I maneuvered my way towards Kai…in multiple back flips. Oh, yeah! I was a gymnast. That’s actually the first sport I had ever fell in love with.

I landed just a foot away from where Kai was standing. Although I could see that he was equally startled, he continued dancing to their debut song MAMA.

Then… I danced alongside him.

Yes. I know the steps. I watched all their videos the night before and had enough time to remember just enough movements to help me along. I could see how surprised they were with how I was able to catch up with Kai like a piece of cake…painfully thrown on their faces.

But dancing with him won’t be enough to help me win…

I have to dance against him.

Which I did. In the middle of the song, I started to move to my own dance steps I just choreographed in my head right on the spot. I remembered how their dance went along so I made sure that my movement could blend in perfectly with every swaying of the hands and jumping of his feet. I was moving around him…completely owning it!

At first he looked as if he was in a panic with the way I move closer and closer to him. Well, that’s my own way of intimidating him. Young boys have certain blush points to begin with.

But as the song went on and our completely different yet flawlessly synchronized dancing…I could honestly attest…that he’s already enjoying it.


The song ended…in complete silence. Not until Youngjun applauded from the side.

I was more than satisfied with how things ended. If I hadn’t watched the videos and tried studying each member’s personality and skills, it would have been difficult for me. Make no mistake. Kai is an exceptional dancer. At such a young age, he could execute dance steps so well he can probably make any routine appear like his own. But I attacked him on what I think was his weak point.

He doesn’t do well on freestyle dancing and pressure usually gets the best of him.

I smiled and patted Kai’s left arm for quite a performance then I walked towards Youngjun who handed me a bottled water. I drank and replenished myself then called Kai over.


He turned towards me, still trying to catch his breath just in time for him to seize the water bottle I threw over at his direction. He looked at me, this time, I no longer see that arrogant expression on his eyes. Now he looked more like a humble, still overwhelmed junior.

One down. Now who knows how many more to go before I could make them submit to what I want.

“Who’s next?”

 *End of Chapter*

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