Chapter 1

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        The thunder and lighting battled against one another as a young girl walked down a hallway through darkness. There was no light except the few seconds of lighting. The young girl was breathing hard as she ran her hand along the wall for direction and breathing deep breaths. She reached the end of the hall and went into her parents bedroom. What she saw was a sight unimaginable for a nine year old girl.

Her mother was on the ground and her father was in a chair. They both looked different. Each parent's head was attached to their partner's torso, their bottom halves missing and a final look of horror left on their face. Blood was everywhere on the walls,floor, the ceiling and the furniture.

The little girl was gasping for air, her eyes wide open and urine sliding down her legs. Not a moment later did the neighbors hear her screams of terror.

The police were called and they arrived twenty minutes later. They rushed into the house calling to see if anyone needed help.They reached the little girl who was frozen in a puddle of urine at her feet. A female cop who was not able to see the horror in the room walked up to the girl.

"Sweetie where are your parent's?.Are you hurt?", the female cop asked.

The little girl slowly shook her head no and lifted her finger pointing into her parents bedroom. The female officer followed her lead and saw the massacre in the bedroom.

"My god..." The female cop said as she grabbed the little girl and carried her down stairs to the awaiting EMT's and ambulance. A neighbor just arriving home saw the commotion and rushed over seeing the girl being carried began shouting her name.

"Blossom...Blossom Amor!" The Neighbor shouted as she ran to the little girl. Another officer tried to stop her.

"Mam do you know this girl?" The male officer asked.

"Yes, I'm her godmother Daleen Gilbert...I'm also her mother's best friend!" Daleen shouted. She was more concerned about Blossom than talking to the officer.

"Mam, There's something I need to tell you..."The officer said looking somber.

"Can't it wait... I need to be with Blossom...... Where are her parent's?" Daleen asked.

"Her parent's have been's the fourth couple tonight... it's been a massacre... each couple has a kid the same age as Blossom."


The night ended with ten deaths and five emotionally scarred children. The police are still looking for the murderer. 

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