Chapter 6: Helping Hand

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Another day in your new life in Gameindustry is here, one week has past ever since you started living here, Steamax started to hang out with you so he can learn to be stronger...even though his a robot.

It was nice day, so you decided to take stroll through Planeptune to know more of the land scape, moments of walking through Planeptune you started to take a stroll through the park.

You saw a few people hanging out, having picnic, and the young kids playing around.

???: Are you sure you lost your plushie here? We still can't find it...

???: Of course I lost it here, this is were I took a nap with it~

As you were strolling through the park, you heard a sleepy familiar voice and another voice with it, you walked around the corner of the bushes and you saw Plutia with another girl.

Y/N: Hay Plutia!

You started to approach towards them and greeted you, the two girls caught your attention as they turn towards you.

Plutia: Huh? Oh, hay Y/N-san!~

She said in a sleepy tone voice while waving at you.

???: Huh? Who's he Plutia? You know him?

Plutia nodded at the girl besides her in response.

Plutia: This is Y/N, my best friend~

Y/N: Hay there

Tekken: H-Hi, I'm Tekken, nice to meet you Y/N

She said in a shy voice, you held your hand towards her as you two shake hands and parted them.

You took a quick look at the girl with Plutia, she hand silver-gray looking hair, a short black with red shirt and gloves, a torn-up looking pants, she was also wearing a necklace with a word "Tekken".

You took a quick look at the girl with Plutia, she hand silver-gray looking hair, a short black with red shirt and gloves, a torn-up looking pants, she was also wearing a necklace with a word "Tekken"

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Y/N: Nice to meet you too, so what you girls up too?

You asked them, Tekken replied to your question.

Tekken: W-Well, Plutia lost her plushie...and she bragged me on helping her find it...

Plutia: ...and we've been looking everywhere for it...

Plutia add, you decided to help them out finding Plutia's Doll Plushie, because you got nothing else to do.

Y/N: I'll help you girls out finding it, if that's okay of course...

They both nodded at you, you and the girls spread out through the park to find Plutia's plushie, moments of looking for it with no luck finding it at all.

Y/N: Jeez, why is it so hard to find a doll plushie...?


Moments have past and still no luck of finding Plutia's plushie, it was starting to get late too.

ONE PUNCH Neptunia (One Punch Man Male Reader x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant