Chapter 2: The Robot Ninja

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The CPU candidates told Histoire about the mysterious person that saved the bank and stopped the robbers, hoping that she knows the person but she had never heard or seen the person that the CPU candidates described to her.

Histoire: I'm sorry girls, but I never heard or seen the person that all of you are telling me.

IF: *sigh* We had a feeling you might say Nep, what do we do know?

Neptune: Maybe Noire and the others might seen this person, Nepgear, call the other CPU's, were going to have an emergency investigation on this mysterious person.

Nepgear nodded in response as she want to a computer console on the other room to call the other CPU's.

Histoire: Tell me girls, why are you all interested in finding this person?

IF: This person might be strong and even took out one of the robbers with one strike, also were afraid that the people are going to rely on this person besides Neptune and the other CPU's, causing their shares to decrease

Histoire: I see, then please becarful, if things goes bad, take Plutia and Peachy with you.

Neptune: We will...I just hope "she" doesn't go berzerk on us like last time...

IF: I don't even want to remember when "she" did that to me...

Neptune: Its a good thing it won't happen in this Chapter though, so we're safe for now!


You were in your apartment, relaxing laying on the couch as you watch the news on the t.v.

Y/N: Jeez, there's nothing to do...

Suddenly you heard an explosion outside your apartment, you walked to the balcony of your apartment as you examine the surroundings, you saw a giant looking mouse and a blue looking robot from a distance fighting each other.

Steamax: I will end you here once and for all monster

Giant Mouse Monster: CHU!!

The blue robot charges at the monster, trying to land a blow on him with his sword, the mouse blocked his attack with its claws as he swung his sharp claws at the robot, he blocked it but was sent back a few meters away and landing on impact of the side of the building.

Steamax: This monster is strong...I don't think I will win this fight...

The giant mouse rushes towards the blue looking robot as he trys to ram him, the robot jumped out of the way just in time as the giant mouse ram towards a building.

The Robot was badly injured and hurt, his body is all wrecked up with bad scratches.

Steamax: I must...not give up...

The robot grip tightly onto his sword as he rushes to the mouse from behind, trying to land a blow on him but the mouse's tail caught him off guard as the tail of the mouse hit the robot, sending him a few meters back.

The mouse turn towards the robot that is now on the ground trying to get up, the mouse got close to him as he got his sharp claws ready to finish the robot off.

Steamax: I guess this is it for me...Lady Uni, I'm sorry...

You jumped of the balcony of your apartment, landing on the ground making a small quake, you lean forward a bit and leap towards the mouse with incredible speed, leaving an aftershock of wind behind you, once you got close to the giant mouse, you did an upper cut punch at him, sending him high to the sky like a bullet and exploded.

Steamax: *GASP*

Y/N: Mouse...they suck

You said plainly with a smile on your face as you started to walk back towards your apartment, until the robot on the ground called you.

ONE PUNCH Neptunia (One Punch Man Male Reader x Hyperdimension Neptunia)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ