"Tuedin, this is Rosemary. Rosie this is Louis Tuedin" The boy in question looked at Rosemary and smirked.

"So this is the little lady I've been hearing so much about" Smiling, he wrapped his arm around a girl stood beside him. "As Victor said, I'm Louis, this is my girlfriend Anna and my brother Mark"

Rosemary smiled sweetly, "It's nice to meet yo-woah!" She barely caught Victor as he stumbled into her once again. The boys laughed as Victor tried to drink more, only for Rosemary to lead the bottle from his mouth.

"I haven't seen you at school" Mark asked flirtatiously. "You new? Don't think I'd forget a face like yours"

"She's only been in Derry for a month Tootie" Victor clicked in amusement, standing up and stretching.

"You a freshman?"

"Sophomore, I start junior next year"

"Right" Mark nods, impressed. "You drinking tonight?"

"Don't know yet" Rosemary smiled until she felt a hand clap down on her shoulder and her brother appeared beside her.

"Told you not to wonder off Rosemary" He chuckled in a scarily light tone before he locked eyes with Louis. "Tuedin!" Just as with Belch, they each leaned forward and bumped shoulders.

"Didn't know you'd be here-" Louis smiled before pointing at Rosemary in surprise. "-or taken! This your girl?"

At this Jude laughed, dropping his arm over her and hugging her for a moment before leaving his arm there. "Nah, this is my little sister Rosemary"

They continued chuckling and making teenage conversation until Rosemary begun to find the heat within the small area suffocating. "Hey Jude?" She asked quietly, staring up at him innocently.


"You want me to go grab you a drink?" If not for the looks of adoration and admiration the group where giving her, Jude would've rejected her offer in an instant but he intended to remain casual around his peers.

"Sure thing Ro. Thanks"

Leaving the crowded kitchen, Rosemary hastily walked outside, enjoying the cool breezes as they blew against her face. The sun had slipped beneath the horizon, quickly allowing the sky to darken. In a few minutes the sky would be pitch black. Reaching the esky, she'd barely ripped one of the Ruskis from their carton before she heard someone clear their throat and a pair of legs dangled in front of her.

Peter Gordon sat on the truck, his hair a mess and a look of absolute misery on his face."Hey Rose..." He mumbled, downing more of the Smirnoff Ice in hand. He winced slightly, "Fuck..."

"Hey Peter... How've you been?" She asked kindly, her voice soft and apologetic.

"Pretty fucking shit" He grumbled, pulling his legs back up and laying on the bonnet of the car.

"You wanna talk?"


"Well I'm here if you want to"

"Whatever. If I talk to you will your brother threaten to bash my head in? Or does he reserve that specifically for women?" She was shocked by his change in tone but remained stone faced.

"Jude was just angry-"

"Oh really?" He slid off the front of the car and waltzed around slowly to look her in the eye. "Tell me Rosemary dear, does Jude hit you?"


"Does he yell at you?"

"Sometimes? When he's annoyed, yeah"

"And how often is tha-"

"Peter, I'm not just going to stand here and let you trash talk my brother. In case you forgot it's your ex-girlfriend who shoved me down the stairs in an attempt to injure me" Peter's eyes darkened.

"Fuck you Rose"

Rosemary turned back to the house her face neutral, despite the internal anger scratching her insides. She eyed the other cars for a brief moment as she reached the steps before she saw someone stick their arm out before she could enter. "Hey girl, aye!"

She turned to look at the pick up truck which was parked extremely close to the house. The back end was presented towards the fire and the boy in question was draped along the very end of the truck with a dozen pillows and blankets hazardously placed around him. Standing in front of him, she smiled at him as she leaned on her left leg. "Do you need something?"

He stared at her for a second, his eyes slightly cloudy. "Fuck you're hot" He muttered before reaching into his wallet from beneath the quilt. " I'll give you thirty bucks if you suck me off, and there's another fifteen available if you let me cum on your face and tits" He grinned lewdly, leaning closer to Rosemary whom didn't react, only waited. From the opposite end of the truck, Patrick watched with interest. "What do you say hon? I wanna know what your pretty little mouth feels like"

In an instant, Rosemary jerked the Ruski forward and with the base of the glass bottle struck him in the crotch. From beside them, those sitting in the neighbouring car howled with laughter at their friends unfortunate state as he clutched his crotch, turning up to face the sky. "You act like a dog I'll treat you like one" Rosemary stated in annoyance, turning to walk back into the house.

It was then she noticed Patrick.

Casually laying against several pillows, his long lanky legs outstretched and his Taboo at his lips, he smirked against the bottle and sent Rosemary a challenging look. Rosemary responded with her own smug look, a boyish smirk present before she sent him a little wink and walked back into the house. Patrick stared at her arse as she left.

"That little bitch..." The boy in front of him groaned.

"Yeah she is" Patrick grinned in response.

youngblood // p. hockstetter // 0.1Where stories live. Discover now