"Then come home with me. I miss you, the kids miss you. The house isn't functioning without you. You have to come home."He sighed, holding on to her hands.

"I can't."Damita sighed and looked away. "I can't leave. I don't want to hurt you baby."She continued as tears began to drop from her eyes.

"Hurt me? How could you ever?"He asked, looking her in the eyes. "You'll get better if I take care of you. You have to come home with me."

"They're after me. They want me to hurt you. They told me."Damita cried on his shoulder. "They're mad at me because I won't do it. You're my baby, I can't hurt you."

"Who? Who's after you baby, I'll beat they ass. Who did it?"Amaru asked, hugging her tightly.

"I can't tell you. They'll get mad at me."Damita sighed and shook her head.

Amaru held her close to him and kissed her on the forehead. "Baby. I'm going to help you. I'll protect you, nobody is going to get you as long as I'm here."

She laid on his shoulder and he continued to hug her tight.

"You have to tell them. You have to tell them to leave me alone."She cried on his shoulder.

"I will, but you have to come with me. They won't come home with us."He responded.

Dr.Williams told him that he had to buy into what she was saying sometimes. No matter how ridiculous it sounded.

"How do you know?"She cried and looked up from his shoulder. Her eyes were stained with fear. She's never needed him more than she needs him now.

The things that her first child told her as she slept made her afraid to be with her husband.  She knew that she was miserable without him, but he convinced her that Amaru was miserable with her.

Amaru was the only person who could pull her out of this. She just didn't know it yet. Her "demons" did. That's why they convinced her to leave.

"I told them that they can't come with us. Just come home with us, I'll protect you from them."Amaru encouraged her.

He grabbed her hand and tried to pull her out of the chair. "Wait."She stopped him before getting up.

"What's wrong?"He asked, letting her take her seat again.

"You have to tell them."Damita sighed and placed her hands over her eyes.

Before he could speak, the nurse from earlier walked into the room.

"According to her mental evaluation, Mrs.Shakur is well enough that she can live life outside of this hospital. I'd recommend that she sees her psychiatrist at least twice a week and stays on top of her medication so that this doesn't happen again."She explained to Amaru.

"I need the both of you to sign this form saying that we released her to you."She instructed, handing Amaru a clipboard. "Damita, here's your medicine for the day."

She handed her a small cup and two pills on a small tray. Damita looked as if she didn't want to take them but she did anyway and handed the woman the tray back.

Amaru then passed the clipboard to Damita so that she could sign her name.

"Thank you. If you're ready you can leave now. Go up to the front desk and get your things."She said before walking out of the room.

"Come on Baby, lets go."Amaru tried to grab Damita's hand, but she didn't come.

"No! You have to tell them to stay here."She raised her voice.

"How about we pray instead."Amaru intervened and she obliged.

Amaru kneeled down in front of Damita and grabbed her hands. The both of them closed their eyes and Amaru started to speak.

"Dear lord, I pray that you rid my wife of this demon that has taken her away from me. I need you to guide her back to happiness and rid of these negative thoughts that she can't shake."He prayed and she started to cry once again.

"Amen."He finished.

"Amen."She replied.

He raised up from the floor and kissed his wife on the lips. "I love you. So much and we're going to get through this. They can't hurt you anymore."

"I love you too."She sniffled and grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull her out of the chair.

"Let's go home."He smiled and picked her up from the floor, making her giggle at him.

He missed her laugh, he hadn't heard it in almost two weeks. He was so ready to take her home.

They had lots of making up to do. 😉

Family Ties (BOOK V)Where stories live. Discover now