Chapter 2

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The landing wasn't smooth, we landed hard and my ass really felt the blunt force of the harsh metal plane nearly crash on the runway.

But we arrived, landed all in one piece.

The passengers cheered, I cheered, the flight attendants cheered, we all clapped happy to be alive and thankful to the pilots. I looked around at everyone smiling and families hugging each other, but I didn't want to turn around and see her.

I was too embarrassed.

I put on my head phones on, grabbed my things and went straight to the door hoping to be let out as soon as possible. There was tons of congestion, as soon as you step out you're bombarded with police security, airline personnel, EMT's, firemen and reporters.

It was crazy hectic and all I wanted to do was grab a drink somewhere, but I couldn't I was dragged around through all the pushing and shoving chaotic mess until finally and EMT took hold of me and I went into one of the ambulances for a check up.

It was unnecessary, I was fine just a little shaken up and my body hurt from being slammed around but even so they checked me from head to toe. After being deemed I was OK to go about my night, they rushed me out to make room for a small child who apparently had broken an arm from the thrashing.

I saw one of the pilots with a broken nose and blood gushing down his face. Security lined the runway,ushering us inside the airport. We didn't land close enough to be attached to the airport for immediate entry, hell we didn't even land in New York but somewhere in New Jersey, so instead those of us that were deemed healthy and fit enough made the long walk down the the rest of the runway towards the stairs leading into the airport.

My phone rang in my pocket, "Hey, I'm at JFK where are you?" Connor sounded like he didn't know yet so I calmly explained what happened and why were were severely delayed. I heard Connor go from panicking to annoyed to sighing in the end.

"That's crazy....honestly though thank god you're alright," he let out a long breath. "Send me you're location and I'll come get you, but I don't think I'll make it till tomorrow morning."

Connor didn't have a car, why would he when he lives in the city? I  knew he would have to find a way to come pick me up somehow. I still felt a little guilty over this inconvenience.

"It's fine, I'll take a train or something. I'm sure they'll get us a shuttle I mean we weren't suppose to land here."

"Well...find out from the airline and if anything I'll borrow my moms van and come get you. Just keep me in the loop."

We hung up and I followed the signs to the airline to find some answers. The place was crowded, people were frantic trying to find a means to get home, to their destinations but the airline employees seemed to  barely have answer's themselves.

"Please please, calm down. We are going to be getting everyone a shuttle bus soon, we need to wait for security and police to finish their investigations-"

I slumped myself down in a seat, this was going to be a long night.

My eyes scanned the crowd and that's when I noticed the girl with sunset color hair walk by, carrying her carry-on  and a purse. She was smart to not have checked any bags.

Something came over me, I ran to her. I had not wanted to see her in the plane but something came over me, my gut wanted to acknowledge her and thank her for her attempt to help me on the plane. 

"Hey!" the sound that came out of my voice was loud sloppy as hell.

She turned around in surprise, for some reason I noticed her cheeks flush pink.

"You're the girl...on the plane...I-"

I was never good at talking to girls, Jaime was different because we were little kids when we met and she mostly did the talking.

But this girl smiled at me, her head tilted to the side a little. "You were very heavy you know, I basically had to drag you back to your seat" she seemed to pout a little.

"I-I'm so sorry!" my hand found the back of my neck and I scratched myself nervously. "How's your back? Are you OK?"

Her smile dropped but she nodded, "I'm fine."

"I wanted to say thank you, for trying to help me back there."

She shook her head, "Don't mention it."

"I..uh- wish there was someway I could repay you.." my voice trailed off as I looked around.

"Don't worry about it," she met my eyes again and smiled exposing her brilliant white teeth. "Worrying for your made me less afraid of what was going to happen-" she caught herself mid sentence and looked down at her feet. Her cheeks and nose grew red.

Worrying for me? I thought with a slight frown.

"Uh-I'm Lucas," I coughed and extended my hand to hers.


Her voice was tender and soft.

I smiled at her, her name was very fitting with her hair I couldn't help but grin.

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