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🌌Jade's legs began to ache from bowing; waiting for her love to come to her again as she had heard that the Emperor was making his way towards a concubine's chambers.
Jade smiles imagining the Emperor the man she loves. 🌌

🌌A servant girl sent to find the Emperor returns with sadness written over her face.🌌

🌌"My Most High was seen in the quarters of Empress Chiyo."🌌

🌌Hatred is all Jade felt when her servant told her the news. Envy was the first emotion she felt when that woman entered the palace. The Emperor had fallen for her a lowly merchant's daughter. The palace respected her before her place was decided in the Imperial concubine ceremony but then this woman came to ruin everything.🌌

🌌Jade was foolish to shame and strike her but her anger was worth dying for at the time. The horrible Empress Dowager disliked her the moment her son's eyes met hers. She despised her gravely when she heard that she had laid with him before the ceremony. She wanted to kill her the moment he had fallen for her and only her but Jade knew his mother could never have the courage to carry out such an act with her son's loyalty on the line but never expected to be denied right to be Empress by that woman.🌌

🌌Jade sunk down and began to mourn.
Pity was all she felt for herself when she knew that even though her servants comforted her that she was now truly alone.🌌

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