Concubine Chiyo

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Just then, the carriage stopped and the guards men that had been transporting princess Chiyo for three weeks stopped and servants that were waiting neatly against a wall bowed and began rushing into the small courtyard collecting luggage and opening the door for princess Chiyo who surveyed her surrounding.

This place is nothing like her smaller palace back home, even though she searched the big courtyard with her eyes for the first time, she couldn’t find even one similarity or a peace of  home, let alone a friendly face but what did Chiyo expect from this past enemy nation. This marriage had been her kingdom's only hope to ensure piece between the two rival nation's Taung and Kaituro​. A black clothed woman glared fiercely at the curious looking Chiyo. and suddenly raising her hand, she reached down to hit her.

Chiyo was scared as she stood still  from her spot holding her red cheek. At this moment, she clearly sensed the woman's evil intent. She exuded loathing and detest, as if She was itching to get rid of a mere bug.

Most of Chiyo's soft hair was spattered about after the impact had loosened most of her mother's pins . Yet just as she was about to move to get up, she heard the woman suddenly start to talk with a low, hoarse voice, “I didn’t expect that from the stunningly perfect Taung family your bloodline is actually trash of a destined to be peasant. No even they deserve more…hehe, as clumsy as you are I wonder if the Emperor will even bed you!”

Chioyo looked down and bit her lip till it bleed. She had to remain calm. This Woman wanted a fight. The woman
finished speaking  unsatisfied that Chiyo didn't  have the reaction she wanted and drew her hand, and shouting a low “Withdraw”, she then left the room with servants following closely behind. Chioyo was left with her new servants.

Once Chiyo was certain that the woman had left for good, her tears she had been holding slowly escaped as the pain of her reddened check pulsed.

Touching her cheek that still felt painful, a trace of doubt emerged in her heart. Why was this woman so cruel to her? Why didn't the guards stop her? What position could she have to get away with this?

However Chiyo's thoughts were cut short as her guards helped her up and servants lead her to her chambers.

Now alone in her golden cage Chiyo wondered more about the rude, angry woman. Perhaps she was a unfavored concubine of the emperor and despised new competition. Yes that had to be it. Chiyo thought sighing into her pillow drifting off to sleep.

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