Flower Names 1

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FLORENTIN: French form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."

FLORENTINO: Italian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."

FLORENTIUS: Latin name derived from the word florens, meaning "blossoming."

FLORENTIY (Флорентий): Russian form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."

FLORENZ: German form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."

FLORIAN: Short form of Roman Latin Florianus, meaning "flower."

FLORIANO: Italian form of Roman Latin Florian, meaning "flower."

FLORIANUS: Roman name derived from Latin flos, meaning "flower."

FLORIN: Romanian form of Roman Latin Florian, meaning "flower."FLORIS: Dutch form of Latin Florentius, meaning "blossoming."

FU-HUA: Chinese compound name composed of the names Fu "lotus" or "wealthy" and Hua"flower" or "magnificent." 

GENTI: Albanian name derived from Latin Gentius, meaning "gentian flower" or "(well)-born."

GENTIUS: Latin name of the last king of the Illyrians, meaning "gentian flower" or "(well)-born."

GIACINTO: Italian form of Latin Hyacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower."

GÜL (گل): Turkish name meaning "rose." 

GÜLBAHAR: Turkish form of Persian Gulbahar, meaning "spring rose."

GULBAHAR (گلبهار): Persian name meaning "spring rose."

GWRI: Welsh myth name of Teyrnon's adopted son, "Gwri of the golden hair," who grew to full adulthood in seven years, meaning "bloom."

HEADLEY: Variant spelling of English Hedley, meaning "heather field."

HEDLEY: English surname transferred to forename use, composed of the Old English elements hæð "heather" and leah "clearing, field," hence "heather field" or "heather meadow."

HRAVART: Armenian name meaning "burning rose."

HYACINTHUS: Latin form of Greek Hyakinthos, meaning "hyacinth flower." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood.  HYAKINTHOS (Ὑάκινθος): Greek name meaning "hyacinth flower." In Greek mythology, this is the name of a youth loved by Apollo who accidentally killed him, after which the hyacinth flower sprouted from his blood.

JACEK: Modern form of Polish Jacenty, meaning "hyacinth flower."

JACENTY: Polish form of Greek Hyakinthos, meaning "hyacinth flower."

JACINTHUS: Variant spelling of Latin Hyacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower."

JACINTO: Portuguese and Spanish form of Latin Jacinthus, meaning "hyacinth flower."

JASMIN: Bosnian form of Arabic Yasmin, meaning "jasmine flower," a plant in the olive family. Compare with feminine Jasmin.

KUNAL (कुणाल): Hindi name meaning "lotus flower."

LULEZIM: Albanian name meaning "blooming; flowering."

MUKUL (মুকুল): Hindi name meaning "blossom, bud."

NARCISSUS: Latin form of Greek Narkissos, possibly meaning "numbness; sleep." In mythology, this is the name of a vain youth who fell in love with his own reflection and eventually was turned into a kind of lily or daffodil flower known as the narkissos

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