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peace and quiet. 

it was something Aimee wasn't used too-but something she needed once in a while. 

she needed to feel the cold wind against her slightly pale skin, and she needed to hear the sounds of any animal, just so she knows she is okay. 

she was scared when the boys were yelling, she was scared when she heard the foul language that echoed throughout the hallways and the staircase. 

I wouldn't blame her, she thought she was safe, and she was far away from the conflict that her parents had shared-yet, she felt so close to it at this very moment. she needed to get out. 

her heart was stammering against her ribcage. she needed to breathe, she needed Michael to comfort her and to tell her that everything was okay. she knew there was a man at the door. what if it was her father?

she began to slip on the black vans that were in her wardrobe, before pulling on a coat and walking over towards her window. 

twisting the lock, she pulled the window up and immediately was welcomed with the cold-winter breeze that she longed for. 

she needed to get out. 

she climbed out of the window in a swift motion, being used to doing so at her own house-trying to get away from her parents-but this isn't her own house, and Michael would never hurt her. yet, she's still sneaking out. 

once her feet met the grass, she stuffed her hands in her pockets and walked. 

she didn't know exactly what Michael would say or react when he opens the door to Aimee's room to find it being empty, maybe he would freak, maybe he would call the police...she should of left a note. 

but that's at the least of her worries, she knew that before Michael would try to reach the police or anyone he would always give her a call first, which she would then answer too. 

she didn't know who was at the door exactly, and she sure didn't want too know, for that person was creating conflict, and she already disliked them. 

Aimee walked across the road, looking both ways before of course and kept her head down, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone just incase they would get the wrong idea. 

a girl walking alone isn't a good image to men. 

Aimee was paranoid at those types of things, she knew about all the horrid and hatred that was within this world at this moment and she didn't want to be apart of it any more, she grew up with it for 17 years-thats enough. 

for what seemed like another ten or so minutes of walking, she finally was at her destination and took in a long breath of the fresh air, the smell of the water, the trees and the laughter of kids as they run around the park. 

she let out a soft smile at the thought of those kids being happy, before walking past all the families that were sitting down having a bbq or even a small family picnic and went to go retrieve her small place of thought. 

walking towards the lake, the sound of laughter slightly faded away as every step she took she was getting further away from the screaming of kids and chatter of families, she came to this place usually, whenever she needed to think, but before she could let out another breath of relief knowing she was alone, something stopped her. 

and at the very end of the lake, there was a man sitting on the wooden bench that Aimee usually would sit on. he had a cigarette placed between his lips as Aimee screwed her face in disgust. 

yet, she wanted to know more about him. he was too young to be smoking, and he his blonde hair was pulled back as sunglasses were placed on his head, his blue eyes staring down at the ground. 

and before Aimee could stop and walk away,  she found herself standing in-front of him, with his blonde eyes staring into hers.

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