Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Tribe Legends, & Seth

//Malia's P.O.V//

Do you ever just feel out of place? Like, you know you belong there and you're suppose to feel like you do but you just don't. That's how I'm feeling right now. I'm at the counsel meeting or whatever you want to call it with the tribe. But, tonight, feeling like I don't belong is an issue right now.

Everyone here is just the pack, of course Emily is here but she's always with Sam. I get that I'm always with Embry but I still feel weird. Jacob even decided to bring Bella, but we all know that he wanted her to head the story about the 'cold ones' and all.

To be honest, this was my second time hearing this bonfire story and I zoned out through all of it. I haven't been feeling like myself lately. It makes me scared that, that's part of my predicting death thing. What if it's predicting the death of someone closest to me? I don't think I could handle that right now.

I looked over at Embry who was looking intently at the fire. Seth was watching Billy and I didn't know what to do. After the history was over and the seriousness wore off everyone kinda started doing their own thing. I was walking around with Seth and getting to know him better.

"So, what'd you think of your first tribe history?" I asked Seth as we walked together towards the fire. We had walked away from it and he told me all the non related wolf things.

"It was good. Fascinating to me." Seth told me which made me smile, "you didn't seem to into it."

"Oh," i sighed, "I've heard that one before. Plus, I have a lot on my mind right now." I told him as I nudged him playfully. He laughed and then ran over to Jake.

I smiled as I watched how they all got along. It was so cute how well he was fitting in, "awe, don't tell me you're gonna leave me for Seth." Embry joked as he stopped walking right in front of me.

I laughed, "nah, he's cute and all but he's more like a little brother." I told Embry which caused him to laugh. "Are you okay?" I asked which made him look at me confused. "You seemed pretty zoned out during the history."

Embry and I started walking away from everyone to get some privacy, "I was just thinking about everything." He told me honestly. I nodded and continued walking when he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. "You know I'll protect you right?"

I sighed and looked over at Embry, "we've already talked about this." I told him.

He sighed and gave me a look, "I know. But if it ever comes down to it, don't do what the third wife did. Let me go if you have to choose like that." He grabbed my other free hand so that both of our hands were connected now.

"Em, I love you to much to do that." I told him as I took a step closer to him. "I would choose you over myself any day." I added which made him look down and shake his head.

"I don't want that." Embry told me as he took a step closer also.

"Embry," i started but was cut off by his lips on mine. I instantly kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. I was so caught up in the kiss the I didn't notice us walking backwards. I didn't know we had even moved until I felt my back hit a tree. Embry then pulled away as he kept me trapped between the tree and him.

He looked at me looking for some kind of emotion or sign, "stay with me tonight?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Don't I have to anyway?" I teased with a smile, "alpha's orders.. remember." I reminded him as I sent him a smirk.

"God, I love you." Embry mumbled out as he let out a sigh. I don't know what's gotten into Embry. Maybe it's the vampire stuff scaring him to death for my safety. But all I know is, I love this side of him. He's so care free when it comes to pda.

"I love you." I replied as I leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his lips. I quickly pulled away before I could start another heated kiss, I pulled him so we stared walking back towards the fire. It's funny how Embry can make all the bad stuff go away.

I would be completely lost without Embry. I couldn't be any happier being in the position I am now.




I really liked this chapter for some reason, even though it's like the shortest one.

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