Chapter One

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Chapter One: Make out sessions, Family Dinner & Deep Conversations.

Trigger warning: sexual assault/rape is mentioned.

//Malia's P.O.V//

"You know, if my dad walks in you're dead." I whispered as Embry continued kissing my jaw line. He made his way back to my lips.

"Mhm, I don't care." Embry replied as he continued kissing me. I placed my hands on his back as he kept himself up by his arms.

"You'll care when there's a bullet in your head." I stated which caused him to laugh.

He looked down at me with the loving eyes that I fell in love with. "The movies loud enough so he can't hear." He let out a breathy laugh. He then looked back down at me with a smile, "do you honestly want to quit?"

I gave him a huge grin while shaking my head, telling him that I didn't. He laughed and leaned back down kissing me again. Everything about him makes me so happy. He's all I want and need.

That bad feeling never went away, but it goes away when I'm with him. Probably thanks to the imprint bond but I don't care. All that matters is that he takes all the negative thoughts away.

"I love you." Embry breathes out as he pulled away for a few moments to get air. I looked up at him while he was getting his breathe back. "I love you." I said back. I lifted my hand up and played with some of the hair he had hanging down so it touched his forehead.

Embry then rolled off of me, "I'm not doing anything more than that with your dad home." He told me as I laughed.

"Trust me, I wouldn't let you with my dad home." I told him. He looked at me with a smile.

"So, my girls smart enough to graduate early." Embry said as he pulled me into him. I laughed and nodded. It's funny how close graduation is. I used to think that graduating early was something I couldn't do, looking at it now... it seemed so easy.

"I guess." I answered back with a smile. I. Just seems like Embry can make any bad situation good. Embry and I kissed one more time before turning our attention to the movie that was playing. It was almost over.

"Dinner's ready." My dad said opening my bedroom door without knocking. He looked between me and Embry and then to the tv. "You know, I would be lying if I said I expected to see this." He stated. "I'll knock next time." He yelled from the hallway.

I rolled my eyes with a light laugh, I got up pulling Embry with me. "We better go eat before it gets cold." I told him as I leaned towards him slightly.

"Yeah, I know." Embry mumbled. "I love you." He told me before kissing my head and walking out of my room and towards the kitchen. I smiled to myself and looked at my reflection in the mirror. For once, I look generally happy.

I walked downstairs to see my dad and Embry engaged in a conversation. I smiled at Embry who sent me a wink as I sat down beside him and across from my dad. I got some food on plate and started eating.

After I was almost done my dad turned the conversation, "listen, about earlier. I'm not telling or approving you two having sex, okay? I just wanted to let you know that I respect your privacy. and I know that I can stop you because Teens will do what they want. I'm just saying if you all are doing that... be safe. I don't wanna know-" I cut him off before he could embarrass me any more.

"Dad, I'm a virgin. Calm down." I stated not looking at Embry at all. I kept my gaze on my lap.

"Thank God." I heard my dad mumble to himself. After a few moments of not saying anything my dad finished his plate, "I'm going to bed, Embry stay as long as you'd like." With that my dad put his plate in the sink and walked upstairs to his room.

"You could've told me." Embry mumbled as he leaned back in his seat. "It wouldn't have changed anything. Now I feel like I pushed you..."

I sighed looking at Embry, "I'm saying I'm a virgin... but I'm not." I mumbled looking down at my lap. Embry turned his gaze towards me. A questioning look in his eye. "Something happened... one night when I was walking home with one of my friends. I was 14." I added.

Embry knew what I meant before I even said anything, "Malia-" Embry started to cut me off but I stopped him.

"I want you to know." I told him, he looked at me and nodded. "My friend got away. But he got me, he was probably 27 or so. It was so bad, for months straight I remembered wanting to die and just wanting to leave everything behind. I wasn't the same... I didn't tell anyone. I didn't tell my dad, my mom, or jacob. I was afraid to." I looked up at Embry to see his emotions were a mixture of anger and sadness. "I spent the next two months fearing that I would end up pregnant. Thankfully, I didn't. But all I could think about was, 'what am I suppose to say if I'm pregnant?' Or 'what will people think of me?' That's all that went through my mind. I felt so alone even though I wasn't." I finished and looked at Embry who was looking at me.

"Malia, if I would've known-" he started again but I cut him off. I felt like I already knew where he was going going with it.

"No, Embry." I said as I made eye contact with him. "Everything I've ever done with you has been willingly. I would tell you if I was uncomfortable. I love you, so much. I've been so happy with doing everything with you." I told him and he gave me a small smile. "Please, please don't look at me as a weak person or in a different way. I'm not fragile. But, if someone treats me like it... I might turn out to be like that." Embry pulled me into his arms as I just sat there with my arms around his torso.

"Can I sleep over?" He whispered in my ear as we still hugged each other.

"Definitely." I replied.

He helped me clean up the kitchen and we made our way to my bedroom.

I noticed that from that night walking home, to now that there has only been growth. I have grown as a person and became a stronger woman than I was back then. Of course, I relived that moment for about a year. But after a year, I made a difference with myself and I moved on.

If I hadn't of moved on, I never would've met Embry. I wouldn't be where I am today if I would've ended it all. I would've left this life behind not evening knowing that right now is what the future had in store for me. I would've left Embry without his soulmate without even knowing it.

The thought of leaving Embry and my father, hurts me more than anything else.


Im back guys! I'm so excited too! But I'm sorry if this was triggering or to sad for some people but I just wanted to address how even though that happened to her she overcame it and in the first book you couldn't even tell.
But, anyways.
Did you like the first chapter of the second book?
I hope so!

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