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Let's just get straight to the point. I am the the grandaughter of lilith..(i hope you read the origins or your screwed) and i live with my human father. He knows about my origin but, he wont tell me anything about which demon tricked him and why he was stupid enough to fall for it. I mean i am just a quarter blood its no biggie. I can feel pain. I dont have wings i dont do any of the important stuff so im nothing special.

My dad is a christian so i guess he thinks the almighty god tested him with the demon and he failed. I am nothing to my father but a failed test and a punishment. A mere...weight.

I do try to fit in with humans. But, it doesn't work out too well because I am not popular with them. I am invisible unable to be heard, a quiet soul that wanders the hallway filled with Whispers and drama.

My father comes into the room and tells me to go to bed I scowl him as he scowls at me first. We stand for a long time I am a demon my eyes are the most intriguing thing about me he is a mere human. He cannot handle the pressure that my soul puts on to his. He finally gives up and looks away as he walks out the door.

I do not fall asleep till 1 in the morning. I wake up and get ready for school I tie my hair in a bun and put on my gray hoodie that I wear almost every day. I run to catch the bus.

As I arrive at school like I said before I am a quiet soul that nobody notices. Nobody cares to hear the sound of a small bird or the sound of the wind as it howls during a storm. So, why would somebody hear me?

I arrive in class. Of course, my homeroom has always been math for no apparent reason. Everyone oh, even demons hate math. After everyone finally arrives in the classroom the teacher gestures toward the back of the room.

"Everyone please welcome our new student Levi." Mr. Zyne says.

Everyone turns heads. I cannot see him well enough. Stupid tall humans. I give up as he starts to teach. I am almost asleep by the end of the lesson as the bell wakes me up.

"Hey, um can you show me where Mrs. Assens class is?"

I look up from my desk to see a well built, blond boy, his eyes a blue as the ocean and smile perfect with teeth like snow. I wanted to throw up he looked like he was glowing. I wanted to shield my eyes but, nobody else seemed to notice so i pushed through it.

"Yeah sure..." i said lookimg away.

"Thank you so much um..."


I walk away expecting him to follow. I'm in this class with him too. Ugh. I'm gonna be sick. He is of course sat next to me as he glows. I get used to it and am no longer sick but his kindness is gonna be the death of me.

After class i show him to the caffeteria. As he enter the lunch room by my side all the girls sit and drool over him. I wanna hit them all for falling for such a...ah crap i cant even insult him. A smile melts everyone when he walks by. He sits with me too...great...

"Hey, um why are they all staring." He asks.

"Becuase your whats known as "hot" and the ladies love that." I say giving him a look telling him duh.

"Really? Where im from I'm ugly."

Of course he is. I roll my eyes.

"So, Levi what brings you here?" I question.

"I just wanted the whole teenage boy feeling. I-uh was home schooled." He replys.


Levi has all his classes with me so hes always by my side. He made friends with a couple of the guys but seemed uncomfortable on subjects that guys normally talk about. He kept blushing when they mentioned girls...it was kinda cute- uh i mean weird...i dont find humans attractive at all so...

I run out the door, levi still by my side as we both part ways getting on our buses.

I arrive home. My father is drunk. He doesn't even drink. He yells some slurred words as he comes closer to me.

"Your my sin...bluerrr...*burp* i could have gone to heaven..." he gets closer busting the beer bottle he starts trying to cut me. I dodge him swiftly his swings are slow. He catches me off gaurd tho and cuts me in my face. Blood runs down my face as my dad realizes what he had done.

"Ally im s-"

I run to my room. I begin to pack my things im running. I begin to pack but the sadness overwhelms me...demons dont have emotions im 75% human so... i do i guess... i break down falling to the floor. My dad poumds on the door. All of a sudden my back arches and there is a huge pain in it. Blood streams onto the floor...

Am i dying?

I struggle to stand as i feel for a wound but i am shocked when i feel my back...i feel...wings... i cant beleive this...wings but, that must mean im not 75% human...im a half blood...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2017 ⏰

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