Chapter 4

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      Sorry, I mean sorry, for last chapter. The end was kinda cheesey. Ha... Ha... Ha... I'm Sorry.

I was walking down the road to my house, when I felt a pair of eyes burning into the back of my head. I turned around, trying to see if someone really was following me. No one. I hear footsteps echoing behind me. Freaked out, I break out into a run. As I neared my house, the footsteps were starting to fade. I slowed my pace. Finally at my house, I unlocked the the door, and went inside. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and combed my hair. I figured it was my imagination playing tricks on me. When I heard the doorbell ring, I got freaked out. Its probably just your imagination going wild. I reassured myself. Or tried to anyway. As I went to answer the door, I decided not to. It made me feel creeped out. "You know what?" I said to myself. "Whatever." I walked to the the door, opened it, and spotted a few kids walking around throwing rocks and pranking  other people. The realization that it was just my imagination, made me feel pretty dumb.

Sorry for the short chapter, not really in a mood to write.

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