Battle Scars

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"Hello Mrs Manion." I say shyly with a smile.

"Please dear, call me Debby. I've heard so may thing about you Crystal." "All good things I hope." I ask cautiously.

"Yes, don't worry dear. You are already like a daughter to me." She quickly ushers us in the house something about being in the cold. I'm not really listening, I'm being bit nosey and looking at the house. It has the cozy home feeling that I haven't felt for a while, it's beautifully decorated with some photos, the walls are a beige colour which makes the stunning white coach pop. The sofa is decorated with black cushions, some with ruffles, some with sequins. To my right is a stair case. Straight ahead is a door which I presume goes to the kitchen since the delicious smell of lasagna wafts to my nose.

This causes my stomach to make and earth rattling rumble. My face turns beetroot red, when I hear the laughter from behind me. Jayden being the goofball he is jokes "Is someone hungry?" I just stick my tongue out at him and stomp to the kitchen. However a smile comes on my face when I hear a slap and her son's cries.

Debby come scurrying in making tutting noises. She stops beside me. "And to think I taught that boy some manners." She rolls her eyes and turns to me asking "Are you hungry dear, tea will not be five minutes. We will get filled soon enough. now go sit down." She starts making a shooing motion with her hands.

"Do you want any help setting the table?" I offered.

She gives me a stern look before carrying on shooing me out of the kitchen. I turn around and see the guys sitting on the L-shape sofa. There's no room so I go and sit on the floor although someone has different plans when an arm wraps round my waist and pulls me on their lap. I let out a squeal, not expecting the sudden movement. The smell off peppermint snakes it's way up to my nose and I turn around and look at Ryder with a confused face.

"I'm not going to let you sit on the floor like a dog." His voice void of any emotion. How does he do it? He's either had a lot of experience or he has no emotion.

I turn back around come face to faces with Kaiden, Jacob, Justin, Jayden and Caleb with a smirk and knowing looks.

"Dinners ready." Debby shouts from the kitchen making me jerk up and run to the table that's in the kitchen to get out of the situation as fast as possible.

I sit down at one side with Kaiden on my right and Debby, who's at the head of the table. opposite me is Jayden, the next to Jayden is Jacob,next to Jacob is Ryder. Next to Kaiden is Caleb and then next to Caleb is Justin.

I dig into my lasagne, a moan escapes my mouth at the taste. The flavours are spectacular.

"Hey mum, is dad not joining us tonight?" Jayden questions while I shovel another eat of lasagne into my mouth.

There mum puts her fork down and sighs, "He's got a client tonight. He said that he'd been home after dinner."

"What does your dad work as?" I ask cautiously, I don't know if this topic is sensitive or not.

"He's a self defence instructor, he sometimes has to work late, or go to another town to train them." The gloomy face Jayden had on is now replaced with a smile as he says "He makes it up top us though. He is the best." He then takes some more fond his mouth.

My dad used to be the best as well, he used to take me to professional fights snd train me, we'd work on my his bike together before it became mine. Him, my brother and I used to train and play football together. They were both very protective of when it became boys, which is why I've only ever had one boyfriend. That didn't end well at all. I was and still am a tomboy.

My eyes go a bit glossy, so quickly control my emotions before tears start to leak out.

"Crystal, what do your parents work as?" Debby asks. I turn my head to face her plastering a happy smile only face.

"They're pilots, so I don't see to much of them." she gives me a sad smile. "I still love them, when they get back home they make it up to me."

"So where are they flying to now?" She asked.

"My mums flying to Australia and My dads flying to Canada. They're away from each other as well but they are still very in love." I reassured.

I look around and see that all the boys have eaten there food, so I start eating again But am quickly cut of again by a sense pf deja vu when Debby asks "Have you got only siblings?"

"Yeah, I've got a brother called Luke. He is my everything. I haven't seen him since i was fifteen." I look down, hoping they won't catch the tears brimming in my eyes. Happy thoughts. Like when Luke took you go carting thinking he could be you, when you whooped his ass by finishing 2 laps ahead of him.

This conversation was turning a bit depressing so I changed the subject, also because I didn't feel like answering why I haven't seen him in nearly three years. "This lasagna is amazing. Please give me the recipe."  I almost begged. She laughed and we carried on eating.

We finished tea and were now sat on the white couch, at first I was hesitant incase I got dirty, but then the boys all piled on and they must be more dirty than I was. Debby had gone and got some bean bags so I am on a blue one and Jayden is sat on the red one next. Debby was sat on the end of the L next to Justin.

Debby is so care free, she had no wrinkles on her face apart from the odd to, but if I had children like Kaiden and Jayden then I would have a few. She wore jeans and a top and had a fire that I would want when I'm round forty-five. I know right, when she said she was forty-five I chocked on my drink and gave her an 'are you kidding face'. She had blonde hair so I'm guessing the twins got their hair colour from their dad. She also had eyes as blue as the sky, so that where Kaiden gets his eyes from and Jayden must get his from his dad.

We are all looking at the baby photos Debby is showing us of the boys and telling us there embarrasing story from when they were little like when Jayden made a joke to a girl and she pushed him into a puddle. Five year olds, violent creatures. The boys were red and I and the guys can't stop laughing.

The door shut, suddenly. We all whipped our heads around to see and older looking version of Jayden and Kaiden walk in the house. It was easy to see who it was because the front door opened up into the lounge.

The guy looks familiar though.

He smiles at everyone and says "Hey in a cheery voice. "Hey boys. Hello honey." He then looks over at me and it all clicks , he looks me in the eyes and asks in disbelief:


 Song: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian- Battle Scars

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Song: Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian- Battle Scars

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