Never giving up

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The whole car ride back was silent. Once they got to the hotel, the realization of what happened on the Ferris wheel worried Callie. "Brandon, what happened on the Ferris wheel can't happen again." Callie didn't want to do this but it was best for them. "Oh. Okay." Brandon was heartbroken. He knew it was wrong and that Callie is right but he cannot control his feelings. "I'm sorry brandon. I don't want to do this either, but it's best for the both of us and the family." Callie held back her tears as much as possible. She was usually comfortable of opening up to brandon but she couldn't show any signs of pain because that would make everything worse. "But what if it isn't. What if it isn't the best for both of us." Callie couldn't believe what brandon jut said. He was usually really supportive of her but he's going against it now. "What do you mean, brandon. Don't you get it? We're legally brother and sister now." Callie couldn't bare to look at brandon right now because she knows that she'll let loose if she does. Brandon got up and got closer to Callie. They were inches away now. "Callie, what if this isn't the best? For us. What I feel for you is way beyond than what a brother should feel for his sister and I know you feel the same." She still wasn't looking up at him so he lifted her chin but lightly with his hands. Callie's eyes were watering up now and so were Brandon's. "Brandon please don't make it harder than it is." Callie's voice cracked and a head fell down her eyes. "I love you callie. I'm never going to give up on you." Brandon whispered that into her ears and it sent chills down her spine. "Brandon. Don't." Callie couldn't take it anymore and walked out the door. She stood outside of the room and broke down into tears. "Callie." Brandon made sure to see if she was okay. "Brandon you're making everything harder than it already is." Callie was furious but she loved brandon so she couldn't act upon both feelings. The feeling of love and the feeling of anger. "I remember you sneaking into my room a few months ago and telling me that you love me."
Brandon reminded her. "A few months ago? That was almost a year ago!" "That's not the point callie." "Well you said it back." Callie calmed down a bit now. "Yeah, because I meant it." Brandon looked sharply into Callie's eyes. "I still love you callie, and I know you feel the same about me." Brandon said.
"I don't."
"You do." Brandon said in a serious tone. "If you didn't, then explain the kiss... and last night.
"Brandon we can't do this! Don't you understand. Can we please just go to sleep." Callie wanted the tension to end. Brandon sighed and they both walked back into the room. As Callie was settling in, brandon took a blanket and walked out a door. "Brandon! Where are you going?" Callie stopped him midway. "I'm sleeping in the car tonight." Brandon couldn't stand talking to Callie anymore. "No brandon what?! No come back you can sleep on the bed with me." Callie was hesitant but she didn't want him sleeping in the car. "Really callie! After what just happened?!" Brandon was mad. He didn't understand why Callie would want them sleeping in the same bed together after he expressed his feelings for her and having her totally blow him off. "That's ridiculous brandon. I planned this trip so we can have fun, not fight. Can you please just come back." Brandon give in and followed her back into the hotel room.

Author's note:
Hey guys!! I decided to continue this edit. Some of the lines were from "Brallie Metropolis AU" by @abroseid and "Stuck in the Storm" by @BaeFoster. I totally recommend those fanfics they're 2 of my favorites. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for reading!!

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