Road Trip

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After Callie finished packing, she went to check on brandon to see if he was done packing as well, which he was. She left his room and walked around the house trying to look for Stef and Lena. She finally spotted them preparing lunch in the kitchen. "Hey moms. I was wondering, can brandon and i take a trip to Disneyland?" Callie asked. "Disneyland? Oh why not invite the whole family too! Just kidding. Well Lena what do you think?" Stef looked over at Lena. Callie stood there waiting for an approval. "Well, it is spring break. Fine, yes you two can go. Don't do anything you're not supposed to!" Lena looked over at Stef. "Well if Lena says you too can go, I do too." Callie smiled widely and hugged her moms. "Thank you thank you thank you." Callie said in so much excitement.

Callie ran upstairs and into Brandon's room to tell him that the moms approved of their plan. Meanwhile downstairs, Stef was a bit concerned. "You don't think anything's going on between then again... right?" "Stef, they've got it under all control. Don't worry, they're brother and sister now and they know nothing can happened." Lena reminded stef. "If you say so."

After Callie and Brandon finished eating their lunch, they got their bags and got into the car. "Are you driving or am I?" Brandon looked for his keys. "I'll drive on the way there and you can drive on the way back." Callie got in and set the car to ignition. "Sounds like a good plan to me." Brandon buckled his belt.

The trip was going to be about 2-3 hours depending on LA traffic. They didn't talk much during the ride. They had small talks here and there about school and their personal lives. "We are going to be here for awhile." Callie said looking out to the ridiculous amount of traffic once they've entered Anaheim.

An hour later and they've finally made it to the hotel. They gathered their bags and walked up to the lobby. "Hi, a room with two beds please?" Brandon asked the man working at the desk. "Sorry man. We only have rooms with one bed available. It's been pretty hectic lately." The man double checked the bookings to make sure that there were any 2 bed-rooms but unfortunately, there weren't any. "Oh um actually.." "We'll take it." Callie interrupted. "Callie do you think this is a good idea?" Brandon was hesitant about them only having 1 bed. "It's fine."

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