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On the morning of 22 August 1965 The Beatles held a press conference at Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport, before flying to Portland, Oregon.  They would be in the town for less than 24 hours.

Shortly before their arrival in Portland one of the four engines on their Lockheed Electra aeroplane caught fire. The plane began to fill up with smoke. Yes- there was plane trouble on their way into town. John was frightened enough to quickly write a few messages which he enclosed in a film canister for safety. The smoke became very dark. It was also very quiet. But in the dark cloud of smoke was the voice of John Lennon saying "Remember, women and Beatles first"  or possibly:   a relieved Lennon was heard to shout: "Beatles, women and children first!" 

But Larry Kane remembers differently:  "We were on a plane, flying from Minneapolis to Portland in 1965 and yours truly noticed a small fire in the right engine. We had an emergency landing, and as we're going down, there was foam on the runway, fire trucks, and ambulances. I could see everything happening below me. As this was happening, George yelled out (and he repeated this on tape to me), "Larry, if anything should happen, it's Beatles and children out of this plane first." And I thought that was pretty funny. He was a very funny guy."

George checking out the fireman doing his job

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

George checking out the fireman doing his job

A fuller account of Larry's has him spotting the fire, at first he thought he was dreaming- there was a bright light outside his window off the wing smoke pouring out with flames, he looked again! Adrenalin surged he ran and slammed a fist down on an unanswered cockpit door. The pilot and Co pilot were chatting down the back with John and Paul the plane was on autopilot! In a moment of panic Larry blurted "Theres a fire in the right engine!" A bad call, after all the Beatles were mere mortals too, they had no supernatural ability to ignore fear!. John foe all his macho bluster and confidence, glanced outside said a few 'Oh shits' and ran tot he emergency door and proceeeded to grasp the handle with both hands! Ringo just stared at the fire. Paul bit his lip (typical Paul!) The plane landed amid a chorus of 'oh God's' wild applause and the expected chorus of 'I'll never fly again's. 

Cannibal and Headhunters, a support act insight: Richard 'Scar' Lopez version: It terrified meand everybody. The Beatles were cool, their jolly selves. Ringo told some jokes to calm everyone. After the flight, everyone walked off like it was a routine flight bar one, Joe 'Yoyo' Jaramillo a member of C and H/Hunters couldnt wait to get off "He fell to his knees and kissed the tarmac he was so relieved."

 Despite all this, the show in Oregon, at the Memorial Coliseum in Portland, went down very well. They were leaving after the second show. A new plane was waiting for them, or rather an old one. That plane, people forgot to bring any refreshments from the Elektra. So much for the after party! Brian was fuming because of the state of the plane, and they were going to be late because it was so slow.   

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