💀 Chapter 24 💀

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I walked inside the house and headed upstairs. My head was still spinning from how dizzy I was. All I wanted to do now was lay down in bed and take a good nap.

But that wasn't happening, First I needed to take a pregnancy test.

I opened the door and seen Yoongi laying down on the bed giggling to himself. Which, one; that's odd and two; he's not the type to be acting all cute however I didn't mind cause that's really adorable.

Yoongi: Please please please, let my baby be pregnant

His eyes were shut and his chest was facing up. I tried not to laugh at how cute he looked, mumbling that to himself although it was quite loud.

Without doing any fast movements I slowly walked towards the bed and stopped right in front of his head. I stood behind his head and leaned close to grab the pregnancy stick he had in his hand.

Y/N: Then I'll go ahead and take it so we can see the results

I smiled and he shot up immediately, my smile didn't even last a second when his head hit mines. He groaned and I whimpered in pain.

Okay that shit hurt.

My eyes became teary, I was already dizzy and now this?

Y/N: Ouch, that really hurts

He quickly got up from the bed and walked over to me. I placed my hand on my forehead and looked at the floor.

Yoongi: Shit I'm so sorry, you scared me, are you okay!?

Y/N: Geez shouldn't you be used to seeing my ugly ass already? Tsk, still getting scared of this face after months of being together

Yoongi: Really Y/N? You know I didn't mean that.

I sat on the bed and looked up at him.

Y/N: Then I'm cute right?

Yoongi: No, you're ugly.

Y/N: You are such an ass

I glared at him and he chuckled before kneeling in front of me.

Yoongi: You okay though? I'm sorry for hurting you

I gasped and covered my mouth gaining his attention.

Y/N: oh my god, where am I? Who are you? Why am I here? What's my name?

Yoongi: Y/N, don't play with me like that.

Y/N: What? Y/N, who that?

He scoffed and tackled me on the bed. I tried to maintain serious but I was loosing it when he pinned my arms above my head and straddled my legs.

I held my breath as his mouth came in contact with my neck and whispered against it.

Yoongi: You Are here because you live here. I'm Min Yoongi, you're soon to be husband, but you know me as Sloth, Asian Casper and rat and your name is Kim Y/N. Also, we've had sex so many times, it's upsetting that you've lost your memory and forgot about those passionate moments we both had.

Bitch. I blushed. Gasped and died. Well almost.

Y/N: I hate you for teasing.

Bad Couple | Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now