Crown | KanaMari | (MafiaLeader!Mari)

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Warning: contains violence (and probably angst?), in case anyone's wondering. 😮
Also, this fic was based off the MV for 'Crown' by Tao. But with a few changes. If you'd like, you guys should try watching it to get a better picture of what's it about. Plus, the song's also good! 😀

Okay, enough of me babbling. Let us proceed to the fic!! Onwards!! 😆😆

“Mari!” The slim figure of a blonde was slowly being forced to fade into flashes of darkness. The one calling out to her reached out with an outstretched arm. Desperately hanging onto the edge of consciousness for enough time for the name to reach its owner.

“It's me! Kanan!” Warm liquid was trickling down her bruised face as she called out once more, “Mari!”

For what felt like the thousandth time already, she received no response. The blonde wore no hint of emotion on her face as she sat on her luxurious red throne at the far side of the vast and nearly empty white hall. Large, plain windows and glowing chandeliers illuminated the marble statues standing at the side of the great hall. Their frozen faces seemed to watch her like a hawk, with pity on their cold features.

The pain around the blue haired girl's battered body was excruciating, as she willed her arms to lift herself up from the smooth, cold floor. She was willing to endure it if it meant being able to hold the one she seeks once more. Her arms were trembling, her muscles screamed for her to stop. But the emotions swirling inside reminded her of the need to feel the warmth of her love again.

She was willing to endure a millenia's worth of physical pain if it meant healing the one she felt inside her chest.

Stopping herself on one knee and with one arm down to support herself up, she stared deeply into her once lover's golden eyes. Searching for any remnant of herself behind those cold unblinking gaze. For anything other than that look of indifference. She searched but there was none. Not even a hint of recognition.

She was about to continue standing up, but she felt a sharp pain at the back of her knee, causing her to fall forward on the floor again. Strands of her blue hair stuck to her face from the mix of both sweat and blood.

She heard deep clicking of footsteps and noticed another group of suited men and women surround her, the ones she had taken down were still lying on the floor. The blue haired girl had been fighting for what felt like a whole day, and exhaustion was finally catching up to her. Her breathing was heavy and everything hurt. The floor once again felt cool on her cheeks as she tried not to close her eyes.

Rough pairs of hands immediately grabbed her arms as she was forced up on her knees and dragged forward. Having no energy left to fight, she allowed them.

They stopped just a few feet away from where the blonde girl sat. Slowly lifting her head, she stared into her golden eyes one more time. Speaking in a voice that sounded hoarse and spoken in a defeated tone, “Mari.”

The blonde only sighed in response, before gesturing with one hand for the other suited guards.

Before Kanan was about to say anything, the last thing she remembers were the pair of golden orbs that held her in place with a blank stare, as she felt a bag cover her head. Battered, bruised, and with no energy left, she didn't even bother fighting back this time as she felt a slight sting in her neck.

The next few hours were filled with continuous moments of waking up and falling back into unconsciousness. Every sensation was muddled as she could only hear what is happening around her but not see.

Between those moments of blacking out, she could feel herself being dragged to the back of a vehicle. In another flash, she could could feel strong winds and flapping sounds of what sounded like a helicopter. But she couldn't tell for sure as she was barely conscious.

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