"I'll make it up for you the next time you and Abigail party. I'll barbeque something for you."

"Deal," Sorcha said as she looked at the clock. "Hey, I gotta go."

"Check ya later Sorcha."

"Bye Barron," Sorcha said on a laugh.

Sorcha was ready to go when Calleach rang her doorbell at 5:30. Sorcha took one last look at herself in her hallway mirror before she went to let him in. Sorcha had taken time to dress extra nice today. Sorcha wore her gladiator style sandals, a pair of really comfortable jeans, and a beautiful rust colored shirt that was billowy on her and that her sister called her peasant styled shirt. Sorcha had done minimal makeup and had put her hair up into a messy bun with tendrils framing her face. Jewelry from her Scottish uncle glittered at her ears, throat, and wrists as she opened the door and stepped out onto the porch. Calleach looked at her a little awestruck. It made Sorcha flush in pride and she clasped a small clutch purse in front of her.

"You look stunning Sorcha."

"Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." And Sorcha meant what she said. Calleach's hair was a little unruly and his eyes sparkled with secret intent. He was dressed in jeans with a nice black shirt on and he wore comfortable soft leather shoes.

"You ready."

Sorcha nodded and followed Calleach off the porch and down the sidewalk to where his car was parked in her driveway. Calleach opened her door and saw her into the vehicle like a gentleman. Sorcha buckled in and situated herself as she waited for Calleach to slide into the driver's side. Calleach buckled in and his car started with a smooth purr.

"I have yet to eat anywhere out of town besides Old Blue. Where do you suppose that we go?"

Sorcha chewed on her lip, as she thought about the eateries that they could go to that were close.

"How about City Limits in Colby? It's the closest thing to a steak house that you can get around here without driving clear to Hays."

"Sounds good," Calleach said as he headed to the highway. "You like steaks?"

"Only if it's cooked right, but I prefer to eat something else. City Limits has a great selection of other food. Zaranth is working at City Limits tonight so I know that I'll get a decently cooked steak."

"You're very close to your cousins, aren't you?"

"Their parents used to come over and spend every weekend at my parent's house gossiping and drinking. Ella preferred to stay with the adults so that left Zarr, Zaranth, Amaranth, and myself plenty of time to hang out with each other. If I didn't have them, I'm not sure that I would have made it through childhood intact."

Calleach didn't say anything till they were outside of town heading past the chemical plant. "I don't understand your family."

Sorcha snorted. "Neither do I. All my parents and sister care about is money and material things. Growing up we had plenty of both. It went to Ella's head quite early. I never really cared for all the money we had."

"You didn't like being rich."

There was surprise in Calleach's voice. Sorcha looked over at him to find him looking at her. Sorcha reached forward and pushed his head forward. "Eyes on the road Calleach."

Calleach glanced at her before he was forced to slow down as a vehicle suddenly pulled out in front of them. Once Calleach had gone around the car and gained speed did he ask Sorcha again about not liking being rich.

"What good is money if it makes you feel like a prisoner? People expected me to have fancy clothes and the latest car. My parent's showered me in gifts and money trying to buy my affection when all they really cared about was Ella. We were born less than two years apart and all my life Ella has been the one that's been spoiled and catered to."

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