33| Lauren

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I plopped down on my couch after my much needed shower and scrolled on my Instagram feed. Just about everyone had went to Bam's celebration coming home party and I was happy about that. He needed that love and support sent his way.

As I laid back, my door was being knocked on. I rolled my eyes because I had just gotten comfortable in my spot.

I got up and tightened the drawstring around my robe to make sure I didn't have anything hanging out. "Who is it?" I asked before getting to the peephole to see who was there at the door.


Hearing the familiar voice made me a little nervous for some reason, but I checked the peephole to make sure I wasn't just hearing things. I was taken aback.

Why is he here?

"Because I wanted to see you. Now open the door, Laurie. Please." I facepalmed myself when I realized that I spoken out loud instead of in my head.

"Ok," I answered while finally unlocking the door to let him in.

I was met with a charming smirk when seeing him in the flesh. He looked good and healthy, that made my heart warm. I could tell that this was a spare of the moment type of thing because he had on sweats and nike slides as if he were planning to sleep before coming here.

"Hey," he said before tucking his bottom lip in his mouth.

"Hi," I replied. "How are you?"

"Better now that I see you," he said to me. "I hate to just pop up on you after you've had a long day at work, but can we please talk?"

I nodded and stepped to the side to let him in. Brandon strolled on in and awkwardly stood in the middle of the living room as if he didn't know where to go. Marley attacked his leg trying to get him to rub his belly.

"Marley, chill. Go to your bed!"

Bam chuckled while kneeling to rub Marley's stomach for a bit. I proceeded to the kitchen and looked in my pantry for something to snack on. My lunch from earlier wasn't holding me over at all.

"You cooking for me?" I turned around and Bam was leaning on my kitchen counter not too far from me.

"I'm not even cooking for myself, so no. I got all the snacks though," I said showing him a box of fudge sundae pop tarts, inquiring if he wanted one.

"No thank you."

I turned back around to face my pantry to put the box back after taking my pack out and sighed. This energy between us wasn't something that I was used too. It was always jokes, smiles, and just overall familiarity with us. "Bam, why are you here? What is this random visit about?" I asked, still trying to busy myself by looking in the pantry.

"As much as I love the view of your behind, I'd much rather talk to you face-to-face, Laurie." He jokingly said. I turned to face him and a cheeky smirk was plastered on his face.

"Ok, I'm looking at you now."

Bam nodded before speaking. "Thank you for today. I really appreciate you doing all that for me. I just wish you were there..."

"I had to work, so yeah," I told him with a slight shrug, not thinking it was big deal. Bam shook his head at me and smacked his teeth.

"Why you lying though? Glo came to the party and she told me that you voluntarily took a shift. What's up with that?"

I didn't feel like getting into this with him tonight. I just wanted to sleep. I get a break from having to be on mommy duty for a night and he wants to come up here to have conversations that I've put in the back of my head since he went to the rehabilitation center.

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