4| Brandon

419 23 5

My eyes were heavy from sitting the waiting room for so long, but I wanted to make sure that Kara was okay. She had a bad past, but she was coming around to doing better like me and Erin wanted her too.

"Hey, you're back."

I turned to see to Lauren about to walk out of the hospital at this odd hour of the night.

"Yep. Any word?"

Lauren frowned and shook her head. "The surgery was supposed to end hours ago, but sh--. Ah, can't disclose everything to you without her family present. I'm sorry."

I sighed deeply and looked past her. I automatically reached into my jacket pockets and groaned.


I had ran out of my medication and it was the only thing that made me feel better at any given moment.

"You okay?" she asked me with a concerned look. I just nodded and she stayed standing there as if she was trying to figure me out. I hated it. I hated being looked at or observed.

"What?" I inquired with a sigh.

"Um, well I'm on my break right now and you look drained. Wanna grab a coffee?Maybe a break could do some good." She put on a pleasant grin, trying to be convincing.

"Nah," was all I said while shifting my body to lean against the wall.

Lauren's grin dropped and she nodded before walking out of the building to face the midnight sky.

I looked up at the television to try to distract myself from wanting to dose off, but it wasn't working too well. They had it on Telemundo and I couldn't comprehend a word that was being said. I put my own spin on what I thought was being said.

"You want half?"

I turned beside me to see Lauren with half of a panini in her hand, attempting to hand it to me.

"Nah," I replied to her and she shrugged before sitting next to me in silence, opting to eat the sandwich herself.

"You really don't talk much, do you?" she questioned me while placing the rest of her food in the bag.

"Not much to say," I told her with my eyes still on the television.

"I guess not. So, what have you been doing for the past 10 years besides saving the world, Detective Wallace?"


Lauren smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes at me, but I didn't care. Talking about myself or nearly anything was irritating these days. I much rather listen. "At least you still have that sarcasm shit, but seriously though. You okay? You seem... different."

If only I had a dollar for everytime I was told that I was acting different. It appears that's the impression people get when you're keeping to yourself.

"If we must talk, talk about yourself," I said, actually facing her this time.

"Um, well you know I moved to Miami once I graduated to be with my kids father. We got married and that cool for about 7-8 years, but things hit the fan. And we lived not-so happily ever after. The end!"

"Well, you looka there. You're actually still human. That's always a good sign."

I gave her confused look. "Huh?"

"You just smirked," she pointed out.

"Ohh." I simply nodded.

"Okay, I've told my 10 year life story. What's your deal? Wives, kids or anything..."

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