5| Lauren

401 21 11

Christian in mm

I sat back in the chair and looked around the room, mentally preparing myself for whatever Dr. Hubert would throw my way today.

"Hi, Lauren. How are you doing on this lovely Friday?" I plastered a fake grin on my face and smiled.

"Well," I replied, keeping it short and sinple as always.

She nodded and sat down in her seat across from me with the notepad rested on her lap.

"So, I see that you don't have on your weeding band anymore. Is that an indication of anything?"

"I suppose..." I told her with a shrug. Not even wanting to talk about him right now.

"Short answers, okay. How about this one...tell me about how you and your husband initially got together as a couple."

I sighed softly, not wanting to think back to those days. We were such different people back then.

"Uh, well we met in middle school. He was on the baseball team and he helped when trying out for softball. I sucked really bad though," I told her while I stared down at my fingers.

"Was it love at from the start?" I chuckled and shook my head.

"Absolutely not. I was never checking for him back then. Anyway, from then on we became great friends you know. Christian was always sweet and caring, especially around the time my parents divorced. He would invite for dinner at his house even though his parents didn't like me, so that I wouldn't be home alone."

"He's sounds like a nice guy. Why weren't you interested in him?"

"The nice guy act was so lame to me back then. I guess when I think about it, I played a part in him changing once we got to high school. Like I remember the first time he asked on a date and I told him no because I had my eyes on a upper-classmen at the time."

Dr. Hubert nodded and wrote in the pad. "What led you to coming to the conclusion that Christian was worthy?"

"Honestly, I wasn't sure at all. He was just persistent and the guy I liked was a douchebag anyway."

I shook my head and chuckled at how I sprung I was on Bam for a little minute. That always seems like a lifetime ago.

"He was your back-up plan..."

"Nah, he just grew on me and puberty worked wonders on him."

"You said that you think that you played a part in him changing for the worse. How so?"

"I've just noticed that everytime he changed, it was because of something I said or did. The first time was in high school when I kept denying him. Then, the second time was when everything with--" I stopped myself.

"Everything with what?"

"When everything with our daughter happened. And the last time was when I filed for divorce."

"Lauren, one thing is for sure...change in people is inevitable. You can't blame yourself for his actions," Dr. Hubert said with a warm smirk.

"I guess, but I'm bad for him. I know it," I told her with a deep sigh.

"I doubt that. Your husband could easily be cancer to himself. On another note, you said he changed when everything with your daughter happened. Could you elaborate, please?"

I stared at my wrist where her name was inked for the world to see and frowned. I didn't want to talk about Amara because I already knew that tears would soon follow. I shifted my eyes to my watch and like I hoped, the session was over.

"I should get going. Our time is up." I stood up and quickly left out of the room, starting to feel like I would have anxiety attack.

When I got home, there was unfamiliar car sitting in the driveway where I usually park. "Mother, whose car outside?"

"Laurie, baby. Come in here."

My brows rose at her calling me that nickname. That meant she must've done something stupid. I mentally tried to prepare myself for what she had done.

"Yes, mother..." I walked in the kitchen to see her chatting it up with none other than my estranged husband, Christian. I quickly turned on my heels, not even wanting to deal with him right now.

"C'mon, babe!"

Christian called out as I walked out. "Hold on, let's just have civilized conversation for once...without the arguing. I promise."

I kept my eyes ahead and went out the door to my car, trying to get in before Christian caught up to me. Unfortunately, he got a hold of my wrist and yanked hard for me to face him.

"I was trying to be nice to your ass, but you obviously wanna play rough today," he groaned while staring me down.

I elbowed him with my other arm trying to get loose and he gave me a devious grin. "Christian, you're hurting me. Stop..." I spoke as calmly as I could.

"I'm hurting you! Bitch, you took both of my kids away...You don't think I'm hurting too!" Christian threw a jab and it hit me square in the eye.

I took a tumble and the right side of my face was aching in pain. I was infuriated at that point and fought back.

"Hey, what's going on out here?" My mother came outside with a look of confusion. Her voice threw Christian off and caused him to push off of me.

I took that chance to knee him in his groin and he winced in pain. I ran away and went in the house leaving the two of them outside.

When I got inside my breathing was all out of order. I felt like I was in a twilight zone. "Lauren, what was that about?" My mom came to over to me as I was pacing, trying to catch my breath.

"I don't know. Have you not seen my damn eye, mother?" I yelled at her.

My mother shook her head and crossed her arms with a frown on her face. "I see it, Lauren. So, what did you do? You had to have provoked him to do something like that. Christian's a good man."

I bit down on my tongue trying not say what I really wanted too, but she was really testing me. "Seriously? He just knocked the taste out of my mouth and you're worried about what I said to him. Bye mother."

I was beginning to get tired of her and the bullshit. It was time for me to take a stand in some way. Christian couldn't just keep using me as if punching bag.

"Laurie, let's finish talking about this...I don't want you to go do something stupid like press charges. He's not a criminal." She continued to defend him.

"The hell he isn't! I swear you're so far up his ass, it's ridiculous. What about the shit I've been through in the past three years? You don't think I've suffered enough! This is not the first time he's put his hands on me, mother." I stomped out of there before I said anything else.

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Is Lauren really going to press charges?

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