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Coda woke up to a soft knock on his door.

Groaning slightly he sat up, stretching his arms above his head and popping his shoulders.

"Yeah?" He yawned out.

His door opened slowly and soft steps move into his room a foot or two. Codas eyes widened as a deep, rustic voice hummed to him.

"Your brother told me to wake you up."

A alarm blasting in his head yet he felt like a deer in headlights. All his senses were on high alert as Lucky suddenly stepped closer.

"Ya know," his started. "I've noticed you've been acting awful... skittish around me." He took a few more steps, Coda could feel him right next to the bed now.

"I just... can't imagine why..." his voice told otherwise.

Coda opened his jaw to speak, only to freeze as a hand gently gripped his shoulder. "I remember... when you and me," his hand slipped slowly with each word to Codas shirt collar. Coda tensed even more.

"Where pals~." Lucky purred slightly, his hand slipping onto Codas neck, tracing every line as it traveled into his shirt slightly to touch his spine. Coda sat there in pure fear shivering at every touch.

Suddenly a loud clank of a pot hitting the ground downstairs made Lucky pull back. In that window of opportunity Coda darted out of bed. His body seemed to be on autopilot as his legs moved forward and out of his room.

His mind raced as memory's flooded his mind. Realization hitting him hard at why his body was acting this way. Those days when he was younger, how Lucky would get a bit to rough around him or try to lead him away so they could 'talk alone'. He thanked every god he knew that Color was alway around so he could never get a chance. Only now did Coda know what he was dealing with.

Lucky was-

He took a step. But there was no ground underneath. His body leaned forward as he began to fall downwards. He didn't scream or cry out, nothing was heard but a few thumps and a loud thud.

Color turned and cocked a brow at the noise. He set down the metal pot in his hand that had fallen and began walking over to the stairs. Lucky was at the top, looking down in slight shock. Color followed his gaze.

His eyes widened as he saw Coda lying motionless on the last step. He darted over to examen his brother.

Codas chest was rising and falling gently, his pulse was rather elevated but falling down a flight of stairs can do that to a person. The only thing that was noticeably wrong was his arm. One of the two thin boned that make up his forearm was snapped. A gentle flow of blood had begun to flow out of the wound.

He had a short moment of panic on what to do. Error never takes a phone with him and Fresh always has his on silent. He took a deep breath and forced himself to stay calm.

Color placed a hand on Codas back to make sure his soul was still beating. Shaking he pulled out his phone and quickly called the only person he knew that could heal him quickly. It ringed for a moment before someone picked up.


"Atom... come quickly, Codas hurt."

What if-Book 2Where stories live. Discover now