Chapter 3

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"NateMare is a real nightmare... no pun intended." Andy said. "I think he's the dark Leader Of this evil universe." Amanda chuckled as Cristina woke up. "W-What happened? O-Ow! My h-head!" Cristina said. "Hello, my Queen."  NateMare said, walking into the room.

"I'll never be in love with you." Cristina spoke. "Oh, but you will, soon." NateMare said with a grin on his face. "Alright, I got everything set up! Perfect for Matthew!" NateMare grabbed Nate's mint guitar. He practiced a note of one of Nate's songs. "Did you think I don't know the guitar? I actually learned when I was younger!" NateMare chuckled. "But anyways, where was I? Oh yes!" NateMare grabbed a bottle of Diet Coke and a bag of cookies.

"I thought I'd hang out with Matthew a bit, just until he's alone." He Said. "P-Please! D-Don't do anything to him!" Andy shouted. But it was too late. NateMare left the room and left them in the dark.


Mat heard a ring on his bell. Quickly, he ran to the door. He opened it, and saw Nate. "Umm... hey Nathan!" Mat Said. Nate smiled warmly. "Hi Mat!" He was holding a bottle of Diet Coke and cookies. "The Diet Coke is all for you. But the cookies you have to share! Please?" Nate said. Mat nodded and welcomed Nate inside his room. There was Stephanie, Mat's wife, and Jason, who spilled his milk all over Nate and Mat's cookies.

"Come on, Jason! Blame Jason!" Mat chuckled. Nate laughed so hard and said, "Well, cookies do go with milk! Maybe the milk wanted the cookies!" Mat laughed super hard at Nate's joke. Mat grabbed his phone, little knowing that Nate was sitting next to them. "I loved spending my time with Jack and Mark yesterday!" Mat Said. "Jack and Mark?" Nate whispered before Mat pulled out a photo.

 "Jack and Mark?" Nate whispered before Mat pulled out a photo

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"Mark took the picture for your information." Mat Said. Nate nodded. "Hey, wanna talk in the bathroom?" Nate asked. Mat nodded.

They walked inside the bathroom, and Nate grabbed an iron bar behind him. "Since when did you have that iron bar?" Mat Asked. This looked very suspicious to him. Why would Nate bring an iron bar. "Why, Matthew. I'm not Nate. I'm NateMare. The demon living in the new Haunted Mansion for years. Now it has finally come for me to find a body." "Nate" said.

He knocked Mat out with the iron bar. The last thing Mat saw was NateMare having two tears streaks go down his cheeks. "Now I'll leave you Mangled and winding away." He Said, chuckling.

He looked outside and once Jason left the room, he pulled Mat outside and stuffed him inside Nate's car. He chuckled and drove to the basement.


"You monster!" Brett said when he saw Mat's body. Amanda shrieked when NateMare pulled her and her chair out of the room where her friends are and putted her into a different room. She whimpered softly.

"You're next." NateMare chuckled

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