Chapter 2

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Amanda and Andy both awaken while Cristina and Brett still unconscious. But they were tied up in ropes. "A-Amanda? What happened?" Andy asked when the first thing he saw was Amanda. "It was NateMare. Nate's inner demon. Remember that encounter with yours?" Amanda said.

All Andy could think of is himself screaming. He was on his knees, in the hotel room. Amanda and Nate would try to stop him, but he couldn't because of the agony he felt.

Andy nodded. Suddenly, NateMare walked into the room, smiling. "NateMare. Nate is one of the nicest Man I ever known about in my life. Among all victims, why did you choose him?" Andy said. NateMare smiled. "He was an easy and defenseless target. Just like you. I told one of my friends to try and take over your body when you went to that McDonald's store. You were one step to getting Nathan, Lyle was the second, there was more, and Cristina was the last." He said. Andy started to welp. "Don't worry, you all were having struggles with LA life, so we thought, maybe we can help you." NateMare Said. "I will soon have my own army of evil youtubers. One by one, I'll let their inner demons have a show. We are all combinations of our past, your past, your fears, our fears, what you want to be, and what your fans want you to be." "So If that's your plan, Who is your next victim?" Amanda asked bravely. NateMare smiled. "Matthew Patrick." NateMare said.

Amanda and Andy's eyes widened as Amanda shouted, "NO DON'T!" Just as NateMare turned around to open the door and leave the room, he asked, "Why not? He seems like a perfect candidate, and strong." "HE IS ONE OF NATE'S BEST FRIEND! PLEASE DON'T DO ANYTHING TO HIM!" Andy shouted. "Oh, I won't do any damage to him. I'll only make him like me and you, Andy." NateMare said. He looked at Amanda. He murmured something, but they weren't sure what.

That's when NateMare left them alone in the basement.

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