Backtalk (Richie X reader)

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      "Honestly, go suck a dick, Bowers." Y/n laughed as Bower's eyes widened in shock. "Oh you did not just say that." He stated in anger. "I didn't have to say it, you already look like you suck some daily." Y/n added as she closed her locker and left.  The losers club watched the whole thing in shock. "Oh man she is dead." Victor Criss stated. "That is crazy! He didn't even beat her up!" Eddie stated in amusement. "W-wow," Bill stuttered in awe. Richie stared at her as she walked away. "She literally left him speechless!" said Ben.
     A few hours later it was time for lunch. Y/n sat alone. Henry Bowers and his little gang sat next to her. "What do you want?" She stated sternly. "An apology." Henry stated. Y/n began to crack up hysterically. "WAIT HAHAHA, Y-YOU WANT- YOU WANT AN APOLOGY- FROM ME?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" She laughed at a high volume. Everyone was looking. "You are fucking pathetic! And I thought your ego was sensitive! WOW!" She yelled. The bell rang and she walked out of the cafeteria, the losers caught up. "That was great! You're practically a legend now!" Eddie stated to
Y/n. "It's whatever, he just gets on my nerves." She stated. "You are great. Want to hang out with us later?" Stan asked. "Sure! Where?" Y/n asked. "We're going to the woods after school and have a campfire." Ben stated. "Yeah, I'll go." Y/n accepted. She walked over to her locker and shut her books away.
   After the last few classes school ended. The Losers and Y/n left school grounds and walked to the woods. "So, we haven't really heard about you until now. How long ago did you move to Derry?" Mike asked. "I've lived here all my life, just now I have been speaking up to dickhead." Y/n laughed. "We made it, let's go in further." Eddie stated as we walked down into the woods. "There's a pit we can put the fire in over here." Eddie remarked as we stopped at the pit. "Hey Mike. Get logs so we can sit down," Eddie stated. Mike was the strongest one there, but Richie refused to believe that. "I'll get the logs." Richie stated. "Okay then..." Eddie stated. "Who brought the lighter, we also need some branches to make the fire." Eddie added to his little list. Mike took a lighter out of his pocket and tossed it to Eddie. Richie came back with a huge log and tossed it into the pit breathlessly. "Hey I'm going to pee." I stated as I got up and walked into the woods. I stopped in my tracks as someone covered my mouth, grabbed me, and threw me into a car.
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"She's been gone for a while." Eddie stated. "D-Do you guys think s-she left?" Bill asked. "No. She's too nice, and sweet, and great-" Richie stated. "Do you like her?" Ben asked. "Don't we all?" Stan replied. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" All of the boys jumped. Richie sat up and ran towards the yells and saw a horrific sight. Y/n was being kidnapped. "LET HER GO!" Richie screamed as he lunged towards the kidnapper. The kidnapper dropped her and drove away from the woods. Richie ran to y/n and pulled her into an embrace. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." Richie softly stated. "It's okay." Y/n replied in almost a whisper. Richie pulled away from the hug and they both stared at eachother. "What did he do to you?" Richie asked. "He threw me into his car
and...beat me up." She replied. Richie held her close as the rest of the losers walked over to them. "What happened?" Eddie asked. Richie looked at y/n to check if it was okay to tell them. She nodded and Richie looked back up at the boys. "She was kidnapped and beaten up." Richie stated. "Oh god." Stan stated. The boys and y/n walked back to the fire, Richie holding y/n. They put out the fire and went into their tents. Richie and y/n shared to comfort and protect her. "Do you know who it was?" Richie asked. "I-... I don't know." She replied. There was only one thing certain, Richie never took his eyes off of her for the rest of the night.

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