Cheating (Jack X Reader)

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      I'm y/n, a basic fan of all fandoms (except for Dan and Phil because I don't FW that vision) and I have something on my mind. I'm close friends with Ellie Hiyar, the girlfriend of Jack Dylan Grazer. Ellie has gained a major following because of this, and that's the only reason she's dating him. The thing is, normally you wouldn't really be able to do anything about this due to no proof, but I have been sent messages from her regarding her cheating. The biggest question is, do I send them to Jack?
Ellie: Hey y/n want to hang out later? Jack is gonna invite his friends over so we can chill in the neighborhood.
Y/n: yeah! Let me get ready.

I put on a hoodie and some jeans, brushed my hair and left. Ellie and I live in the same neighborhood, so it was easy to visit as we please. I skateboarded down the street and stopped at the little grass hill we hang out at. I saw Ellie sitting sat the top. I picked my worn out skateboard off the ground and walked up the hill. "Hi Ellie!" I greeted sweetly. "Hey girlie!" Ellie replied. I sat down next to her on the grass. "Where's Jack?" I asked. "He's coming in a few minutes." She replied. I looked at the neighborhood below and saw a group of boys walking. I then spotted Jack. "Hey Bubba! Up here!" Ellie yelled as she waved her hands. Jack walked over with his friends. "Hey Bubba!" Jack greeted towards Ellie. "Have you met Y/n yet?" Ellie asked. "No you haven't, hi!" Jack stated. I gave him a light smile and pulled out my sketchbook. I'm normally not much of an artist, but I still enjoy sketching to stay occupied. "So these are my castmates." Jack stated as he gestured towards the group of a bunch of good looking boys. "Jaeden, Wyatt, Finn, Chosen, And Jeremy." Jack introduced. I kindly smiled at them. "I'm Y/n." I stated.
     There was a large commotion of sounds coming from behind me. There was a bunch of kids that seemed my age, playing baseball. They brought out speakers and started playing really weird music at full blast. "Can you guys quiet down?!" I yelled over the music. They turned it down and walked towards me. "You're not my mom." One of them dumbly defended. "I'm glad I didn't give birth to something that awful." I laughed. "HA. You're going to regret that." One stated. One of the boys ran over and shoved me down the hill. I tumbled down the hill and hit my stomach on a tree. "YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT!" Wyatt yelled. Everyone began to yell at each other but Jack ran down to help. "Hey Ellie, I'm going to take her to her house." Jack stated. Ellie nodded understandingly as Jack helped me up and walked me to my house. He walked me to the bathroom because of the medical stuff in the cabinets, and set me on the closed toilet. "I can't believe they did that." Jack huffed. "I'm used to it, this stuff always happened when I was younger." I stated. "It happened to Ellie when she was younger too. What's Ellie like when I'm not around?" Jack asked. I immediately felt guilty. "Jack- I really wish I didn't have to tell you this without feeling guilty, but Ellie, she- she..." I stated but stopped myself. "Go on..." Jack requested. "But I don't want you getting hurt, you're too nice for her, and the fact that she's getting away with this is just unbearable and-" I managed to ramble but was stopped "just tell me!" Jack yelled. "She's been cheating on you!" I stated. "I won't believe until I have proof." Jack stated with a quiet voice. I took my phone out of my back pocket as I flinched, due to my soarness. I pulled up our conversation.

Ellie: Dude I'm at this party and I found this guy. He's flirting and we made out earlier.
Y/N: Ellie! What about Jack, he treats you so good, and this is how you repay him!?
Ellie: I'll figure something out, don't tell him.

Jack stared at the messages in shock. "Y/n-" Jack said. "I'm sorry!" I apologized as tears ran down my face. "Thank you." He stated as he pulled me in for a hug. "I'll break it off." Jack stated as he walked out of my house.

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