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XIX. Thankful Gathering

When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears

-Anthony Robbins

Lauryn's POV

"I told you to stop fucking with Audi on that level. She so.... I don't even think trifling is the right word for her" Becca lectured me from her brisk pace on the treadmill next to mine. I knew that Becca was going to have something to say once I spilled the tea to her. Now, you already know that she isn't fond of Audi so I guess her reaction was to be expected at hearing the events of these past weeks but, to be honest that's not what I really wanted her opinion on, it was Sly.

Sly was giving me all the signs that he was not feeling himself. He was treating me so gingerly that I was making me quite aware that something was up. Every time I tried to get him to open up to me he just said it was business. I think he used that as his excuse because he knew that I never go into his business stuff because I understood that he was just trying to keep me safe from it so, I just let it go. But, still there was a part of me that need to know more.

"Elle, are you even paying me any attention? You look like you got something else on your mind" Becca said after taking a sip from her water bottle. I looked over at her not even sure where to start or what exactly was my concern with Sly. I mean I mention it to Zora and she was like I was probably over thinking it and if it was that major then he would share with me in time but, I need another opinion because I didn't want to walk around looking crazy if it could be avoided.

"Yes, sissy. Damn....I was just thinking about what I was going to be cooking for Thanksgiving. It's in a few days and I want it to be bomb since it's going to be with Sly's family and me, and Granny and even Milly and them. I want to have this go perfect to be honest and I was think maybe some macaroni or even a desert but who knows" I lied though my teeth. I already knew that I was making mac and cheese and a red velvet cake per Granny's request so I already had that off my mind. Becca wasn't even going to be here which made me sad but, I would get over it because she was here now.

"Right...anyway. How is Sly?" she asked raising her perfect eyebrows with ease making me giggle a little because I felt like I could read her mind. "That good?" she questioned at my smiling face as I tried to get the words out.

"Becca stop. You being so aggy right now" I laughed tugging my cap over my hair even more so she would not be about to read my facial expression as easy from the shadow over my face. "We good...I guess" I said giggling as I turned up my machine some.

"He just good?" she questioned making me widen my eye not sure that I heard her right.

"Sissy.....damn. He better than good...I mean ...I just feel like he complete me.... I just know he the one" I gushed as I avoided eye contact. I just waited to her voice knowing I needed her approve on him. Becca was really important to me. She was my sister after all and she and Granny where all I had. I mean I guess I got Sly now but, at the end of the day Becca and Granny where there first.

"Oh, he done made you a woman?" She asked with a smile, showcasing her perfect teeth. I smirked embarrassed to be having this conversation in public at my gym. I actually knew people who went here and I did not want them all in my business but, Becca pretty much done broadcasted my while life from the way that she always caught other attention just from her presence so a lot of eyes where already on us.

"Becca, I'm still pure" I whispered ducking down looking like a little kid as I trying to keep jogging on my treadmill not even sure why I choose those words as my response.

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