"Zayn it's not like that, I never wanted to hurt you like this I feel like a monster and I'll never be able to express how sorry I am." Eric told him, tears running down his cheeks now.

He was shaking.

Eric never shook.

"If you really care about me like you say you do, you'll respect my request and leave." Zayn said calmly.

"But I need you." Eric cried.

"Get out you're making me upset." Zayn said, tearing up.

"Zayn c'mon. Please." Eric said quietly, approaching him.

"Eric I don't want to go through this again please leave." Zayn said, wiping his own tears away.

"Why won't you give me another chance?" Eric asked boldly.

"Why? My wrist is broken. It isn't worth it. I just want to end it." Zayn said.

"Isn't worth it? Zayn you agreed to marry me at one point and now it isn't worth it? What the hell?" Eric frowned.

"Yeah? Crazy because you agreed to never hurt me and here we stand."

"I don't want to deal with this right now." Zayn snapped.

"Okay, can I come back later?" Eric asked.

"I have your key and I've said a thousand times that I'm done with this so...no." Zayn said.

"I can't just give up on us." Eric said, staring into his eyes.

"You already did. Now for the last time, get out of my life and my house." Zayn told him.

"Okay you know what? Fine. But I'm going to get all my stuff I left here." Eric said, getting a trash bag.

"Please do." Zayn said, giving him a look.

Eric stormed out, leaving Zayn alone with his thoughts.

Zayn knew he made the right decision.

It was painful but he knew he had to.

He sighed, wiping his eyes again and trying to remember what his original mission was.


Zayn couldn't believe he came down here ready to just give himself to Harry.

But where was he?

He was always here by now to cook Zayn breakfast and discuss the morning news with him.

Zayn stepped into some shoes and pulled on a jacket, heading across the street.

Louis answered the door, smiling at him. "Why hello little neighbor boy. Liam can't come out and play he's busy."

"Where's Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Oh, babe where's Harry?" Louis called to Liam, letting Zayn in.

"Therapy." Liam called back from wherever he was.

"Oh." Zayn frowned.

"I thought he quit going. He told me it was stupid."

"Apparently not. What's up though, do you need my help?" Louis asked.

"No, I'll manage." Zayn said, feeling strange.

When he woke up he was ready to have sex with Harry and for the first time in ages, he wasn't there.

"Wait, is that Eric's car?" Louis asked.

"Yeah he just came to get his stuff, don't worry." Zayn lied.

"Hm." Louis hummed quietly, staring across the street.

"I should get back over there and make sure he gets his stuff and gets out." Zayn realized.

"We'll come with you." Louis said, Liam next to him now and nodding in agreement.

"In fact why don't you just stay here." Louis said.

"Why?" Zayn frowned.

"I don't trust him and I can tell you've been crying. You're already hurt you don't need to be upset." Louis said.

"Yeah, just make yourself comfortable. We'll make sure he leaves and everything is settled." Liam nodded.

"Okay. Thank you I guess." Zayn said quietly, feeling sort of out of it.

After he was left alone, he went in search of a bathroom.

As he walked, his mind soon wandered back to Harry.

Why would he suddenly go back to therapy?

Zayn sighed, opening the first door he came to and walking into a bedroom.

He turned to go back out, his eyes landing on a picture of himself.

And that picture was surrounded by a bunch more, all of them taped to the wall above the desk.

Zayn frowned, walking over to find even more pictures of himself on the desk next to Harry's camera.

None of them appeared to be recent, which confused Zayn.

He looked around Harry's room, honestly a bit worried he'd come across a doll of himself or his medical records.

Zayn walked over to the closet, shamelessly taking a look inside.

All of Harry's clothes were so big.

He looked down at the rows of boots, smiling a little at how goofy they looked.

He'd never liked that style of boot, but Harry could pull it off.

Next he shuffled over to the window, watching Eric leave his house with a full trash bag.

Louis and Liam stood on the porch like security with their arms folded, watching him leave.

A shaky sigh left Zayn, and he felt lost suddenly.

All this time he'd been trying to ignore it but he couldn't anymore.

What was he going to do now?

A/N: I feel I didn't clearly explain in this chapter that Zayn was so ready to have sex with Harry because deep down he's really upset about losing Eric. Of course that's not the only reason, but it's the biggest. Keep that in mind as this continues :)
- Z

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