"Was denken Sie, Sie tun?*" He shouted.

His eyes darted down to his name tag; Marcel Bach. One of the soldiers he'd been training the day prior.

"Gehen Sie zurück zu dem Lager... Jetzt!" Ludwig snapped, towering over the male. 

He watched as Marcel nodded and ran the other way. Ludwig took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew a stream of smoke.

"You shouldn't smoke." A voice said quietly from behind him. "You probably don't speak English."

"I speak fluent English." Ludwig replied, turning around. "And who are you to tell me what and what not to do?"

The younger man flinched, clearly intimidated by the German soldier. He took a cautious step back.

"I-I just wanted to warn you." He stuttered, tears welling up in his eyes.

Verdammte Scheiße. Why the hell is he crying?

Ludwig noticed the male had an Italian accent. His eyes were amber and his hair was red-brown.

"Don't do that." Ludwig said quietly. "Don't... cry."

What's wrong with me? I don't know this man. He's just like one of those Jews; I could easily shoot him in the head.

The Italian took a sharp breath and nodded, quickly wiping away his tears and smiling brightly at him. He bounded over to him and hugged him. Ludwig's eyes widened and he stiffened, hand on his holster. It was an instinct. He wasn't really going to kill this man.

"Thank you for saving me!~" He leaned back slightly. "My name's Feliciano!"

Ludwig's fingers gripped the holster as he glared at the Italian. He watched him look at the tag pinned on his uniform jacket and say his name quietly.

"Get off."

Feliciano looked up at him, frowning slightly. He pulled back and silently nodded, stepping away from the German.

Ludwig brushed past him, his gaze set on the road ahead of him.

"Hey, L-Ludwig." Feliciano called out to him quietly.

His voice... So innocent and gentle.

He stopped walking, freezing as his name was called. He waited; waited for that wonderful voice to speak to him again.

"You shouldn't smoke." The Italian walked in front of him and took the cigarette out of his mouth, stepping on it.

Ludwig narrowed his eyes at the strange boy. He looked young; seventeen at the least. He gave a curt nod before walking away, in the direction of Auschwitz.

What the fuck just happened?


Author's Note: Guys, when I wrote the part about them going to get the prostitute for entertainment, I did not mean to offend anyone; male or female. I am terribly sorry if it did. I'm just trying to capture the realism.



Obergefreiter - Senior Corporal (German)
Bitte - Please (German)
Nein - No (German)
Was denken Sie, Sie tun? - What do you think you're doing? (German)
Gehen Sie zurück zu dem Lager - Get back to the camp (German)
Jetzt! - Now! (German)
Verdammte Scheiße - Fucking hell (German)


To be continued...

Locked Away (GerIta)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora