Our Secret | YouRiko | (Mermaid!Riko)

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"Wait, Chika-chan." A certain ash brown haired girl called out to her friend, "I forgot something back in school, so I have to go back."

The two girls were already walking home from school, when the former immediately had to stop when she remembered something. "Oh, what did you forget?" The orange haired girl asked. Her head tilted slightly to one said in curiosity.

"It's, err... a book I borrowed from my cousin." You said, her blue eyes desperately searched around her before coming up with the excuse. "I promised I'd return it to him this weekend."

"I didn't know you had a cousin." Chika said in surprise. Placing a finger on her chin and looking as if she's deep in thought.

"Haha... well, it's a big family." The blue eyed girl nervously chuckled as she scratched her neck, hoping that her oblivious friend wouldn't catch on. Seconds passed, You finally let out a breath she didn't even realise she'd been holding in relief, as her orange haired friend simply nodded at her and smiled.

"Alright, You-chan." Her friend said with a wide grin on her face, "I'll go with you." She added as she started marching down like a soldier towards the direction of the school. Causing You to have a small internal state of panic as she tried to stop her way too kind of a friend.

"No, wait Chika-chan!" She said very quickly, almost slapping herself for sounding too obvious that she's hiding something. "It's fine, really. You can go on ahead without me." She smiled after changing her tone immediately to sound more natural.

"Are you sure? I don't mind, you know." Chika said, frowning slightly at the thought of leaving her best friend behind.

"Yeah, it's fine." You said in response. Trying to reassure the worried orange haired girl, "Besides, didn't your mum ask you to be home early for something?"

As soon as she said that, she could almost feel her sweat dripping at the side of her face as Chika just stared at her, brows furrowed as she looked to be thinking very hard. Fortunately, she didn't have to worry anymore as she noticed her friend's eyes widen as if she just remembered something.

"Oh, fudgecicles! You're right!" Chika almost screamed, more than a hint of panic evident in her voice.

"I... am?" You said in complete, utter surprise. Thanking whatever gods there are for her best friend's dense nature.

"No time to chat. See you on Monday, You-chan!" The orange haired yelled out as the two parted ways on their way home from school. Leaving the blue eyed girl standing in astonishment, unexpectedly surprised that her improvised lie worked. Even though she felt bad for lying to her own best friend, she made a promise to someone she couldn't break.

As her friend's shape finally vanished from the distance, she turned on her heels to walk in the opposite direction.

Over the past couple of months, she had been constantly lying to her friends and family. She wished she didn't have to, but she knows that it is necessary, to protect that one particular person she had been making excuses for to be able to see again and again.

Just thinking about that person made her suddenly forget everything else. Butterflies started build in the pit of her stomach and she couldn't help but smile uncontrollably at the moments they've spent together and their little talks. It was embarrassing enough, especially when she knows of the actual reason why she always to spaces out in class. Making it clear as day that she wasn't paying attention whenever the teacher chooses her to answer a question.

Picking up her pace, she half jogged to the far side of the beach. Sand flying up behind her at each step taken. She furrowed her brows when she felt something in her shoes.

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