You Ain't Going Noooowhere - 8.

Start from the beginning

"Stop running before you fall." I told him right after he let loose of my hand and ran towards the door. He knocked, but his soft knocks didn't do much. Apparently Jay had heard them though because the door opened and Braxton screamed loudly with his hands up.

It made me smile so hard to see him so happy. Jay picked him up and kissed him all over his face before putting him down so he could run crazy.

We didn't say anything as I walked in. I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch. While him and Braxton played, I sat quietly strolling through my phone trying to entertain myself. I had nothing to say to him so there's no reason for us to be even talking. Honestly, I don't know why I'm even here. I should've just dropped my baby off and left.

"Can he eat like pizza and stuff?" I heard. I looked up from my phone to see Jay staring at me.

I nodded my head, "He's allergic to apples though so keep them away. I don't need him being in a hospital and I'm not there."

Jay smiled, "Word? He's allergic to apples too? I was too when I was younger. I grew out of it though. I still try to stay away from them. He'll be good though. Where's his bags?"

"In the car. I'll get them in a minute."

He nodded his head and I sat back to watch them two play around. It was so cute seeing Braxton trying to hold a conversation with his daddy like he knew what he was talking about.

Time was flying by and in no time, it was near time for me to go. I was meeting my mom at Enterprise to take my rented car back and then she'll be taking me to the airport.

"I'm going to get his bags and then I'm leaving." I said. I don't believe Jay heard me though, or maybe he did and was just ignoring me.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to my car to get Braxton's things. Soon as I walked back inside the house, I could hear Braxton crying loud as hell. I've only been gone for thirty seconds and Jay already had my baby crying. How the hell was he going to keep him for an entire weekend?

"What did you do?" I asked, placing Braxton's bags down as he ran over to me.

"The fuck you mean what did I do? He saw you walk out and we thought you were gone for good and he started crying."

"Well I hope you didn't think I was just going to leave without getting his stuff."

Jay shrugged his shoulders, "I mean, you left before. It wouldn't make no different."

I sighed and rubbed Braxton's back, "Jay shut the fuck up."

"You shut the fuck up. Don't come in my house disrespecting me. You can leave."

"And I will! Soon as my baby calm down. You obviously don't know what the fuck to do."

Things got quiet and I went into the kitchen with Braxton in my arms to calm him down, "I'm not going anywhere yet baby so stop crying."

"No leave me mommy." He said poking his lip out.

"B, I have to leave soon. You don't want to stay with daddy?"

His lips trembled and he shook his head no, "I want you to stay too."

"But I can't."

He busted out crying again, leaving me to deeply sigh and think about what the fuck I'ma do. My plane leaves in less than an hour and I haven't even returned the car back in yet. There's no telling how long it'll take for me to get to the airport and go through all the shit they go through.

I could hear footsteps behind me as I rocked Braxton back and forth to stop him from crying.

"What's wrong with him?" He asked, standing directly behind me. I took a step back and felt him right on my ass, but he didn't even move. I acted like it didn't happen as I continued rocking my baby.

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