"Do you want me to do your nails?" I said sarcastically, and he turned bright red. 

"No!" He said quickly, sitting on his hands.

"You're adorable." I said, kissing his cheek.

"It isn't funny." He mumbled, and I laughed.

"It is, actually."


"Want to go shopping?" I sighed, and he nodded.

"Figured. I'll shower, you get some clothes." I shook my head, running my fingers through my long, dark hair.

"You're sexy." He said, nodding.

"You look like you're on drugs." I said, skipping up the stairs.  

"Thanks love!" He called after me, making me chuckle. I took a quick shower, blow drying my hair and skipping out the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around me.

"You love to tease me..." Harry mumbled, taking his turn to shower.

I walked into our room, and I could hear Mason yell.

"YOU BROKE MY FAVORITE BRA." She screamed, and I laughed.

"You hear that?" Harry said, and I nodded.

"Those two are like rabbits." I mumbled.

"True that. They're loud too."

"Not all the time." I said, shrugging and pulling some jeans on.

"Usually." He said, walking back to the bathroom.

"Hurry up. Don't take one of your year long showers." I smirked, and I could tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Whatever." He yelled, making me laugh.

"I CAN HEAR YOU." I screamed, hoping the two love birds would hear it.

"SHUT UP." Mason yelled, and I laughed. 


"ITS NOT LIKE WE CANT HEAR YOU EVERY NIGHT." Niall yelled, making me blush.

"SHUT UP." I said, tugging a purple shirt on and throwing clothes in the bathroom for my boyfriend, walking down to the kitchen and grabbing a beer. I had almost all of it gone when Harry finally walked down. 

"You took long enough." I laughed, handing it to him. I new he'd want to finish it, so he gave me a happy smile. He drank the rest, tossing the bottle in the trash and grabbing my hand as we left. Mason and Niall were walking out of their flat, and Mason obviously hadn't had enough time to fix her hair. 

"Mazey, you have sex hair." I said, walking by and trying to flatten it for her.

"So does he, but it looks sexy on him." She said, and I scrunched my nose up.

"My boy has permanent sex hair."

"Because that's all you do." Niall said, ruffling Mason's bright red curls again.

"Thats... True." Harry said, making me laugh.

"We're leaving now." Niall said, wrapping his arm around his girlfriends tiny waist and dragging her to Zayn's flat. 

"Those two are weird." Harry said, and I smirked.

"Shut up Styles..." I said with a smile,dragging him out of the apartment complex.

Mason's POV

"ZAYN. WE HAVE TO LEAVE NOW!" I yelled, opening the door of his flat and racing up to his bedroom. 

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