"Sirius" He put on a high pitched and annoying voice but whispered some words like Bella does when she's angry. "How many time must i tell you! You should stop climbing down the fucking vines on your balcony and use the god damn stairs like a normal person for fucks sake! You freak!"

"Well, to be fair that does sound like mum" Caeli picked at her nails. "And she was drunk at the time"

"No she wasn't" Tom argued.

"Yea, she was"The twins replied in unison.

"Ahh, I'm going in" Tom huffed. "Have fun doing whatever and no fighting!"

"Yes dad" The Twins chorused as Tom walked in the back door. Caeli turned to her brother almost immediately.

"What?" She snapped. Sirius wasn't fased and just smiled smugly.

"Guess who is better than you in potions" He told her, waving the two papers in her face.

"Give me those" Caeli snatched them and looked them over with a small frown. She passed them back when she was finished and shrugged. "Means nothing"

"Oh, but it means something when you are the one who's better at something?" Sirius argued with her, feeling agitated now. Caeli shrugged again.

"Sure, whatever you want"She pushed past him and began to walk into the house. Sirius stared after her with a dumb expression on his face. He yelled out in frustration and stomped after her, intent on arguing with her some more.

Bella glanced at both of her children as she cut her steak. Sirius was glaring at Caeli, who was seemingly oblivious as she enjoyed her dinner. She glanced at her husband, who was sitting a the opposite end of the table and was also watching the kids with a confused expression. Bella rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, setting the utensils down.

"What is going on with you two?" She asked. Caeli just shrugged and carried on eating while Sirius scowled and pointed at her.

"She thinks she is better than me" He frowned. Bella slowly closed her eyes and placed her head in her palm as the twins began to argue.

"No I don't" Caeli snapped.

"Yes you do"





"I DO NOT. "


"Thats enough!" A voice came from Bella's left. Bella raised her head to stare at Hermione, who had been silent for the entire dinner. Bella smiled, thinking that Hermione would be able to talk some sense into them but the Minister of Magic just said.

"I'm better than the pair of you"

The man sitting next to Hermione laughed.

"Babe, don't you think that thats a bit childish" He asked her. Hermione threw a pea at him.

"Shut it Blaise." She grinned at him. "Look at my father."

"I'm Better than all of you" Tom shouted "I'm the god damn Dark Lord"

Bella groaned

"Thats it!" She slammed her hands on the table and stood up. "I have had enough of this! Hermione, stop, you are the Minister of Magic, sure that makes you a little more important but just shut up about it for 3 seconds. Blaise yes, it is immature, Tom, Shut up, you were the Dark Lord 11 years ago, now you are the Headmaster at Hogwarts for gods sake ad Sirius and Caeli, you two have this argument almost every day now, give it a rest and if i hear one more thing about being better than anyone. I swear to god, you will all be sent to bed."

"I'm 28" Hermione argued. "And I own my own house"

"Yea, I'm your husband." Tom pointed his fork at her.  "You cannot make me go to bed"

"if i hear one more thing about being better than anyone. I swear to god, you will all be sent to bed." Bella repeated through gritted teeth. "Do I make myself clear"

"Yes Ma'am" Everyone chorused. Bella sighed and slowly sat down.

"Good" She said and began to eat again. The whole table was silent now, save for Toms comment


Bella narrowed her eyes at him while everyone else stopped and watched.

"What did you just say?" She asked him, tilting her head a little bit.

"I said you are a hypocrite" Voldemort spoke up. "How many years did you spend saying that because you are a pureblood witch, who is part of the sacred 28, you are better than everyone. Changed your tune when you found out I was a half blood"

"You are a halfblood?" Blaise asked, wide eyed. He turned to his fiancée "You are a half blood?"

"Yes, now shut up" Hermione shushed him.

"Go to bed" Bella ordered, pointing up the stairs.

"No! What?" Tom protested. "You can't -"

"Go. To. Bed. " Bella ordered again, glaring at him.

"Night dad" Caeli waved.

"Yeah, night"  Sirius grumbled, still angry at his sisters.

"Night" Hermione laughed at him. Bella glared at them as she stood.

"Are you staying here or going back to London?" She asked Hermione and Blaise.

"Staying"Blaise nodded.

"Ok then" Bella stood up straighter. "I want each of you in bed by 9 as punishment for arguing at the dinner table"

"What? 9!" Protests came immediately.

"I will be doing rounds to check" Bella told them. "Mione, Blaise you can have Hermione's room"

"Where are you going mum?" Caeli asked.

"To talk to your father about how that is not acceptable to speak to me like that" Bella sniffed but grinned as smoke surrounded her and she apparated to her bedroom.

"She is scary when she Is angry" Blaise commented. Hermione laughed as she waved her wand and Vanished their plates.

"You haven't seen her in battle or torture someone" She laughed. Sirius and Caeli shared a look as then turned to Hermione

"Mione,tell us the story of the battle of Hogwarts again" Caeli begged. "It sour favourite, dad beats Potter"

"Ok, Fine" Hermione sighed. "But then its off to bed"

"Ok" Sirius nodded.

"Well, it all started during the TriWizard cup......" Hermione began.

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