Chapter Four

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Okay, what the heck just happened?!

Camila sat, dumbfounded in the middle of the floor where mere seconds ago her and Lauren had been chatting normally.

Why had she just run away? Had Camila said something?

Maybe she got grossed out really easily, and Camila had made her uncomfortable by talking about frog dissection... or maybe she'd finally found Camila's rambling annoying.

Still, she'd lasted longer than most people. Camila had to give her that.

She'd ask the next time she saw Lauren what it was. Whenever that may be. Unless of course Lauren never wanted to see her again, which was completely reasonable. Camila knew she was overwhelming and annoying and God knows she'd been told it enough times.

Unsure what to do, she stood up off the floor and surveyed the room. They'd painted and decorated three of the walls cream, but she'd need to find more art to hang up to make it more interesting.

The other wall remained a nice earthy green, but it was too dark for Camila's liking. She could always make it the same color as the rest of them, but that was boring.

She made a mental note to look at paint swatches in the next few days.

She also needed a few more seats for the waiting area, but after that Camila dared to say they'd be ready.

Of course, then she'd have to actually employ people, and promote the business before opening.

Another mental note: call the gazette and ask about some ad space.

The opening drum beat of 'Shake It Off' startled Camila, causing her to yelp. When she realised it was her phone ringing, she laughed at her ridiculousness. Briefly she wondered if it was Lauren calling to explain everything, but when the screen flashed Dad, her heart sank.

Which was weird.

Since when did she not want it to be her Dad calling?

"Hey Dad," she lifted the phone to her ear, smiling.

"Hello sweetheart!" She could hear other voices on the other end, along with paper shuffling and people typing.

"Are you calling me from work?"

"What can I say, I wanted to check up on you. And today's been really slow."

"Want me to murder someone to make it more exciting?" Camila joked.

"Petty theft would suffice."

"Done. I just robbed a bank."

"Wow that was quick."

"What can I say I'm an efficient worker."

"Speaking of which, how's the DIY going? I'm assuming you haven't accidentally stapled yourself to a wall or anything?" Camila could hear her father trying not to laugh.

"Okay, first off that was one time," she said, "and second off, I've got help."

"Oh really? Did you finally patch things up with Alex?"

Camila sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"No, Dad, I don't think we're going to make up this time."

"But she's such a nice girl, and you were both such good friends-"

You have no idea how good 'friends' we were.

"Dad, please can you drop it?"

"I just worry about you. Alex kept you safe-"

"I don't need to be kept safe! I'm nineteen for god's sake! I'm sure I can handle myself!"

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