There was no way I wanted to be below deck if this yacht sank.

I saw the movie Poseidon. Ain't no way I was gonna end up like Fergie at the bottom of the ocean in a nice dress.

I used the wall as a support, climbing with incredible difficulty up the steps to the deck. I hissed through clenched teeth, shielding my eyes as rain poured down onto the deck, making it sleek and slippery. My bare feet slid across it and I almost bashed into the wall by the entrance, but managed to catch myself on the doorframe leading to the stairs. I took a deep breath, swinging myself away from it and onto the other wall, pulling myself toward the stairs that led up to the wheelhouse. The railing was slippery and wet, hard as hell to get a grip on, but I didn't have to worry about it for long as I made it to the wheelhouse where my father was struggling to gain control of the wheel while his wife sat huddled on a chair, dressed in a sheer white transparent gown that went over her bathing suit, a towel draped over her shoulders.

"Julian," My father called over the raging storm, thunder crackling and bellowing overhead, "Get back below deck, and take Melissa with you!" Melissa. That was her name. I shook my head, closing the door behind me, trying not to topple over as another huge wave crashed into us. I watched with sick dread as the wave flooded the front of the yacht before pouring past the rails back into the ocean.

"No way," I told him in dismay, "Haven't you seen the movies? Below deck is below sea!"

"Michael..." Melissa complained fearfully, squeezing her eyes shut. My dad shot me a dirty look for scaring her and I gave him a helpless shrug before another wave bashed into us. I lost my footing and hit the floor, rolling to the other side. I cursed, clawing to get back up and, much to my surprise, Melissa was right there, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward her until I was sitting beside her on the seat. She put an arm around me to hold me on the seat with her while my father muttered curses as he fought for the wheel against the storm.

"Maybe we should go below deck," Melissa told me gently, her brown eyes darting toward the windows as a flash of lightning lit up the sky, "There's too many windows in here. What if one breaks and someone goes flying?" I shuddered at the thought and my father shook his head.

"These windows are made of high--"

"Jesus Christ." I gasped, looking at past my dad at the wave that was steadily rolling toward us. It looked like it was getting bigger and bigger. My dad cursed and whirled on Melissa and I.

"Get below deck! Now!" He ordered. Melissa shot to her feet, taking my hand and dragging me with her toward the stairs. The moment we opened the door, the door cracked and swung off its hinges, ripping off and flying off with the window that carried it out to see. Melissa shrieked in terror, leaping back and reaching for something to catch her balance on.

"Julian, grab something!" My father shouted. I reached out to grab the doorframe because it was the nearest thing, but it was useless. The wave bashed us like a mighty fist. Instantly water filled my nose and mouth, causing me to cough and choke. My fingers slipped on the doorframe before it broke off in my hand and I slammed into the railing of the stairs. I grunted in pain, feeling the railing bruise my ribs before I was dragged down the stairs with the force of the wave. Thankfully, the water just rushed over us, but the rush of it was strong and dragged me toward the railing that separated me from the vast ocean beyond.

My heart beat so hard against my chest that it hurt, my lungs emptied in a long scream that I barely heard over the roar of the water, the booming thunder, the pouring rain.

Again, I was thrown against the railings, again I felt like my bones were all shattering. It was like being repeatedly punched by one of the dudes on WWE. And then I felt the wind lift me off my feet. The slippery deck was gone, and I was air borne.

I cried out, flailing my hands, trying to grab something, anything, but I was grabbing at air.

And then I hit the water.

From the weather the past couple days, I expected the water to be warm. It turned out to be anything, but. It was an ice cold slap that dragged me right below the surface. Once again, I was suffocated by salty sea water. I choked and flailed, unsure if I was crying or screaming or anything. All I found frantically focus on was finding the surface.

Help me! I'm drowning!

I thrashed against the force of the water dragging me all over the place. It was like something had grabbed a hold of me and was tossing me around vigorously.

A moment later, my head broke the surface, somehow, someway. I sucked in deep gasps of air, crying out as the water pulled me around in the water. Lightning lit up the sky and, to my horror, the yacht was nowhere to be seen.

How long had I been pulled under?!

Worse still was the force of it trying to drag me below. I fought, flailing my arms and legs, screaming stupidly even though there was no possible for way for anyone to hear me. I settled for getting as much as I could into my lungs as the waves bashed me around like a rag doll.

I'm gonna die! Dad's gone! Melissa's gone! Everything's gone! I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere in a storm that's kicking my ass!


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