Ch. 6: First kiss

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I narrowed my eyes to the powerful light. I haven’t seen this light for years. As stupid as it might seem, I haven’t seen the sun in years while actually being outside. Even though I almost slapped him when I saw it, he persuaded me into wearing a dress. A knee-length white dress with purple flowers was what I was currently wearing. It is the same fact as it was with the sun: years. I thanked god he gave me sneakers to wear and not flats or worse, heels.

The therapy was working ‘great’; that’s what he said. Maybe it was because I started talking more and wasn’t that aggressive anymore. It was clearly how happy it made him; a smile would form on his face every time there was a sound coming out of my mouth that didn’t resemble a scream. I wasn’t exactly pleased that his smile made me feel like small grasshoppers that outnumbered the number of my fingers were flustering in my stomach.

He made me feel caged. He made me feel like he could do whatever he could think of and I wouldn’t stop him. He was my tamer, you could say. He was my drug. And he worked better than any other drug did so far.

As we walked into the car and I was scrunching my eyes at the sunlight, he held my hand. I noticed it became a habit for him; maybe at the beginning he thought I’d run away but now, I had no idea why he did it anymore. The drive was long and I wasn’t too familiar with the heat since I spend all my time inside so I was really uncomfortable. As soon as he stopped, the sun seemed to get the idea and hid behind a cloud. I got out of the car together with him and when we got close enough, he took my hand in his. I wanted him to stop that. It was as if he was teasing me.

We were in the middle of nowhere. There was the road we left our car on and then, just green hills. He started leading me towards one of those hills, one to our left. We walked until we were on top of it. From there, I understood why he brought me here.

Purple. A purple field filled with moving, fluid waves of flowers. They were shivering in the rhythm of the wind, dragging one another as they did so. The only thing separating the purple sea of the sky was the difference of color. When the violet died, blue engulfed the sight before my eyes and revealed the contour of the sky with big and scattered clouds covering it like nets.

He slightly pushed me forward as I stared at the view. I walked with unsecure paces, his hand on the small of my back, as if guiding me. I let my feet wander and dive in the sea of flowers that were so high it reached my thigh. There a smile radiating on his lips as I touched the flowers with the tips of my hands.

“You like it?” he said grinning at me while his hand on my back started to wrap around my waist.

I turned to look at him and stared at his big blue eyes.

“Yes.” I responded and for one more time, a smile crept up to his lips.

With the free hand, he tugged a lock of hair behind my ear. My eyes scanned his face and took in his composure that seemed extremely fulfilled.

I still felt strained at his touch but I wouldn’t say anything or push him away. I wasn’t able of doing so after he saved me…of the people who shall not be named.

This place was peacefully. It was the closest I’ll ever get to peace. It was scary that his presence made it better. It was scary how he influenced me. And it was mostly scary how he made me somehow happy…


(Narrator’s POV)

The two figures went further and further into the purple sea with constant depth. Their pace was slow but safe, his arm wrapped around her waist as if he’d be her knight in shining armor. He felt the need to protect her; the urge to rock her when she’ll be sad and to whisper her sweet words when she’ll sleep. He was a knight in shining armor.

As their paces slowed down and they finally stopped, their eyes locked.

Dark eyes mirrored in blue pools of water and blue eyes shining in the black ice imitating dark glass. As their faces approached one another, their eyes closed in the same time. Their lips made contact. And it wasn’t the first time. But it seemed as if it was.

(Narrator’s POV- end)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2012 ⏰

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