The untold backstory

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Before you start to say that I'm being dramatic about the page brother let me give you the backstory...
It all started in second grade. I was that girl who was best friends with guys. I bet you can guess who those guys were- Maverick and Lucas. Everything was dandy and great- I loved them. They only lived a street down and we would always be inseparable. We called ourselves the "three musketeers" while my brother teased us and called us the "three blind mice". Everything was great until 7th grade when boys became aware of he differences between them and girls. Then in 8th grade they became curious about those differences. Before then I never cared about my appearance. Honestly I dressed like a guy. Everything changed when they became cool and I wasn't. At first I wasn't to bothered, I had my girl friends and they would still hang with me after school.

After awhile I stopped seeing Maverick and Lucas would barely talk to me. I have to admit, I had a crush on Lucas, he was the sweeter one. He has blonde hair with cute blue eyes. Every time he gave me the time of the day I would fall even deeper in love. My infatuation finally ended when he started dating my arch-nemesis; Diana Black. (We will talk about her later). Maverick on the other hand had ignored me since 8th grade. He has dark hair with dark eyes to match. He known total bad boy (which I didn't need in my life). He would always dare me and do crazy things while Lucas would try (and fail) to stop him. Maverick brings out everyone's dark side; he's always looking for the next fight, the next girl and the next trouble he can get into.

So no, I'm not best friends with the Page boys anymore. The last time they saw me I was a tomboy who didn't understand how to control hair frizz or the first thing about clothes and make up. Let's just hope that this won't be the most awkward and worst dinner of my life...

But I knew in my mind that it probably would be.

Two Years LaterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum