A Big Mongoose

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I come back to the apartment tired. The last few days have been pressuring. Nya and me dating, Kai being chill, and the whole Jay drama.

"What's up, greenie?" my dad asks as I walk in.

"Al right," I lie. "Where's mom?"

"Getting some coffee," Garmadon replies.

"Is she getting me one?"

"Why would you need coffee?"

"I have been drinking coffee since I've been twelve. Kinda helps me study at night after I have to scrub 'Garmadork' off my windows."

"Wow. I mean, that is a good nickname. But I was the nickname king. I gave the school coach the nickname 'Fast Ball'. Fast as in fat and eating, and fast ball as in the basketball term."

"Hilarious," I say, rolling my eyes. He laughs, and I laugh too.

My mom comes in with three coffees. "Hey honey, they need you down by the mongoose."

"Thanks mom," I say, kissing her cheek and taking a coffee. I close the door as I hear my dad ask about the coffee. I snicker and slide down the railing of the stairs.


"Hey, Lloyd!" Nya cheerily exclaims as I come out. I never realized how close the mongoose was to our building. I see Jay, and he just sulkily turns away.

"The mayor told us to go in. The snake is attacking in a few minutes," Zane explains.

The ninja go in, and see how nice the inside is. It is really fancy.

"I see the snake," Cole proclaims. We look from the stomach window.

"Let's get going, ninja," I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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