Chatper 5:Marking?

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A/N:I Changed To Senior Year To freshman year Becuase...I can! But Enjoy!

3rd POV
It was November 5th
Nagisa was Asleep But She Had A Dream About Something Odd...

"Hello? Where am I?" Nagisa Said Kinda Crying
"Your Were all The Bad people Go You Killer!"
Nagisa Wakes Up, Crying "Princess You Okay?" Karma Was on his Phone Sitting Near her

"Y-Y-Yeah I'm Fin-" Karma Kisses Her Hand "No I Know One My Princess Is Not Doing Okay" Nagisa Sighs "Karma Your so cute..." Nagisa Was Blushing "I Know I'm cute But Your Cuter!"

Next Thing Nagisa Know Karma Was On Top On Karma, "Nagisa Can I Mark You..." Karma was Nagisa Ever First Boyfriend so She Didnt Now what He Meant "W-W-What Karma What Do You Mean By That?"

Karma was Smiling "I Want To Mark You Princess" Nagisa Blushed "Senpai...I...I'll let You..." Karma Smiled "Yay! Mommy Will let Me!" Nagisa Started Blushing

"M-M-M-Mommy?" Nagisa Was petting Karma's Head, His Head Was fluffly "I'm not a Dog" Nagisa Sigh"when are You Going to Mark me Doggy?"

Next Thing Nagisa Know, Karma was Licking Her Neck, Nagisa Moaned quietly and softly One Karma got to her soft spot

"Nagisa Your so cute" Karma was Done "Karma...I'm Sorry For Being a Pain in the Ass..." Karma laughed "Your Not a Pain in the Ass Your My Girlfriend"

Karma Laughed "Do You Want to Know why I'm Moving with My Aunt?"Karma Noded "I'll be Moving to North America And I'll be Living in LA" Karma Was Crying Alittle "Nagisa Why LA Why Not Here You Have me!"

Nagisa Started Looking Away "Nagisa I Love you Tell Me Cutie..." Nagisa Wanted To Die Because Of Her past "Karma I Killed-Som-I said Nothing" Karma and Nagisa Started To Get up

"Its Fine Princess Nagisa..." Nagisa Didnt Feel Happy "Karma!" Nagisa Jumped On Him "W-W-Waoh Whats Wrong?" Nagisa Was on Karma's shoulder

"Awwe Look at the Love Birds~" It was someone with red hair  "Who are You?" Nagisa Asked "My Mum..." Nagisa Blushed

"O-O-O-Oh! H-H-Hi" Karma's Mom Was waering A Dress "Its Nice To Meet you.." Karma was Holding Nagisa's Hand "Nagisa This is My Mom, Mom My Girlfriend Nagisa!"

Few Hours Later
"Night Mother..." Karma said, Nagisa was Tried "I Need to Go..." Karma Nonded "Bye Princess Nagisa" 

"O-O-Oh Wait" Nagisa Turned Around "Can You Join are B-"Nagisa Kissed hin "Yes I Will Join But Only for 4 weeks Okay! Don't Make me Regret It!"

"Nagisa I won't I promise!" Nagisa Sigh "Good Bye~"

A/N:Sorry its Soooo Short But Karma marked Nagisa and Nagisa Joined the Starlights! But anyways Thank You So Much For Reading My story This is not the End of The story No of Course Not but Byeeeeee

I'm Your Idol! (Karma X Famale Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now