Anxiety: The Effects

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To understand me you must first understand anxiety. To put it short I am anxiety. Atleast thats the way I feel a lot of the time. I can't physically walk down the street in the middle of the day without knowing exactly were im going and how to get there. Otherwise I seem to think that everyone knows im clueless as to where to go and they are all judging me. One minor inconvenience and my chest starts to hurt. My breathing rapidly increases but it feels like im not breathing at all. I feel as though ive failed before ive even started and this mindset dooms me to pursue a path of imminent destruction.

A plate I can't wash in a set amount of time, a question in an exam im struggling with, an order I can't fluently make without stumbling on my words. Those are just a few examples of what triggers my anxiety and trust me, they are only miniscule examples of the shear immense scale of everyday tasks that keep me awake at night.

Of course, because I also have depression, the two work together to bring me closer and closer to death. Anxiety keeps me awake while depression plants the suicidal thoughts in my head.

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