Chapter 9- The Truth Comes Out

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        Who..said..that? My heart fluttered. Hannah? Kerri? Julia? I ran out of the bathroom and found Hannah with Zach.

"Did you write that? In the stall?" She looked confused. 

"What're you talking about?" Okay, I guess not. I ran to Julia, and Kerri. 

"Did you guys write that? In the stall?"

"Huh?" Okay, no. Who wrote that? I walked back to the bathroom to see I had accidentally walked into the guys stall again. I really need to learn to read the signs. A guy wrote that. But who? I suddenly knew the answer. I knew it because the only one besides Hannah that knows that I have done some crazy stuff, is Jordan. Jordan wrote that. Jordan..the guy i've been hating, the guy I've been avoiding. When did he write this? Surely it had to be recent considering the janitor didn't wipe it off yet. I found his table. He was laughing. When he stood up, his eyes met mine, but he looked away. No. You don't get to do that. I walked quickly towards him and slapped him. The room got quiet. 

        "How dare you?! How dare you do this!" I yelled, hurt. He looked shocked. Everyone watched us. "You think it's fucking okay to play with my heart and then say all that nice shit about me? That you love me?" Teachers came over to separate us, but failed. Everyone stared at us. Oh well. "News flash, Jordan. I don't know who you are. I've known you for what? 2-3 weeks? Sure I watched your.." His eyes widened telling me not to tell about his YouTube channel. "J-just...stay the fuck out of my life."

        How can he do this? How can he say he won't quit the game, but then say all that shit? My heart ached. I'm so fucking confused. As I began to run away, My gaze went to Julia, Kerri, Hannah, Zach, Michael, Liam...They were all very shocked. Then I heard a snicker. It was Jordan. I turned to look at him.

        "You think I love you? Ha, yeah fucking right. You're an obsessive bitch." He laughed and sat down. People went "ooooh". That's a lie. It had to be, right? What kind of game is he playing? People began to laugh. I stood, frozen. Hearing the laughs of tons of students. 

         "She's ugly, anyways." A friend of Jordan whispered, and Jordan shut up his obnoxious friend. Even after calling me a fucking bitch he stands up for me to his friends? What kind of sick game has this escalated to? I'm so utterly confused. If God is real, I'm sure he wouldn't even understand what Jordan is doing right now.

"That's what I'm talking about!" I yelled. Everyone was quiet again. The teachers spectated, and I was grateful for it. I needed to get this out of my system. That's when my dad walked in. I began to break down. "You just stood up for me! A-after calling me a bitch- why?" Jordan glancing at my dad, and my dad, shocked, looked at Jordan pissed off. Jordan took a deep breath.

"Just get out of here, Lexi. You're making a desperate fool of yourself." Jordan muttered. How fucking bipolar is this guy? And why was no one helping me? Hannah looked down, Zach held her hand. Zach, out of all people..he should know what it is like to be made fun of. Michael pretended not to hear, Julia and Kerri stared helpless, and Liam..well, Liam was missing. My dad tried to walk towards me, but I shoved him away. 

"I know it was you, Jordan..why can't you just admit it? Why can't you admit you love me? And why- What kind of game are you pulling?" I almost saw tears in his eyes. Mine of course were already running out. He turned and looked at me. 

"Because- I don't find you sexy. Your confidence is a turn-off, and you're so...ugly." Jordan said standing up. My dad began to walk to Jordan- but again I stopped him.  Liam suddenly appeared in front of Jordan and, fast, a fist hit Jordan's cheek. Liam had just punched his best friend for me. 

        "Leave Lexi alone, dickhead. Quit flattering yourself. You have the biggest ego ever and everyone is sick of it." Suddenly dad ran in and pulled us all out. 

"KNOCK IT OFF! ALL OF YOU!" He yelled. "You're going to sit down and talk about this NOW." I had never seen my dad look so angry, it scared me. "Who else do I have to bring in here?" We all looked at each other and sighed. Liam began to list off names.

"Julio, Blake, Matt, Michael, Zach, Colt, Justin, Devon, Kerri, Julia, and Hannah."  


        "I need you to tell me right now what the fuck you did to my daughter!" Dad demanded in the conference room. His fist slammed the table. Everyone looked at Jordan.

        "We're youtubers...and we found out a new, British girl was coming to the school. Anyways, Hannah introduced us and Lexi called me by my youtube name. This immediantally shocked me so I told the guys. We started talking about who could pick up girls the fastest, and it sort of became a game."

        "Yeah, but Zach and Liam thought it was stupid, and a lot of us have girlfriends now." Said Michael, who had been silent for a long time. 

        "I'm dating Kerri. Michael is dating Marisa, and Zach is dating Hannah."

"So who is Liam dating?" Dad asked.

        "No one, sir. I just didn't want to break a girl's heart." Liam informed.

        "I'm dating Sean." I looked over at Julia quickly. She was blushing. 

"If you had nothing to do with this game, go- now. Not you Liam. I need you to stay." Michael, Kerri, Julio, and Zach left., as well as Julia. Hannah stayed...? She slid down in her chair, guilty and not making eye contact with me. 

         "Hannah- talk. Just tell her.." Colt groaned.

        "Fine. Lexi, I was there when they were making up the whole game thing. I didn't ask Jordan. I lied to you. I...They all know that you're playing them back. I told them., sorry for lying."

"I'm not playing anyone anymore." I defended myself. She rolled her eyes. "But, how could you?!" 

"Are you kidding me? Before you came- I was their main girl. And then you come and bam..they all like you." She was jealous? "I didn't know about their youtube channel's though until you showed me." It was like getting stabbed in the heart. She hated me, or at least disliked me. 

"Okay, Hannah, leave." Dad instructed and Hannah obeyed. Colt, Blake, Matt, Devon, and Jordan sit in the room awkwardly. 

"Who wants to talk first?" Matt raised his hand. Dad nodded.

        "Um, I had no intention of ever actually breaking your heart or having you fall for me. I just knew that with me going to college, there was no way that you could ever like me saw her. The girl. Her name is Mia. She's great and my age and...I was using logic. I abandoned the game yesterday. I'm sorry." I shrugged, hurt. I did sort of like him, so it kind of sucked that he was with Mia. But, whatever. Dad told him to leave. I kept on glancing at Colt. Really, Colt? Why did you have to be involved? He saw me look and spoke up.

        "Your daughter is amazing." Colt complimented. Jordan tensed up looking at him. Was he jealous? "I care for her. Yes I am still in the game, but if the game is no more- I'd like your forgiveness because...looking at you Lexi, I know that I really feel for you. I think you might feel for me too." I wanted to scoff. He was a sweet guy, but I had no feelings for him.

"Get out of here kid." Dad instructed. Blake, Devon, Liam and Jordan remained. Devon began to speak. 

"I'm pansexual!" Devon said and ran out. It actually made me crack up because it was the stupidest excuse. Justin threw a bunch of money at my dad and ran. Oh my god. I began to laugh so hard. Why do I find this amusing? Blake and Jordan were frozen in fear. The last two remaining, besides Liam of course.

        "Um, sir, I- I can't be in the same room with Jordan." Blake announced. Huh?

"Why's that?" 

"He nominated her to die."  Blake told everyone. I quickly looked at Jordan. He nominated me to be killed? Why?

 Liam tensed up, and my dad's eyes widened.

A/N: AND THE TRUTH (PARTIALLY) COMES OUT! DAAAMNNN. Now how do you feel about the characters? Plot twist eh? Hope this isn't too confusing..anyways..predict what is going to happen! Also, Vommet!<3. And- please share this around. Love you lots. xx.

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